Lesbian, Gay, Bi, and Questioning Youth More Than 3 Times Likely to Attempt Suicide, Study Finds

in #gay7 years ago

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This is a terribly sad story, but one that needs exposure.

Reuters.com is reporting that, according to a recent national survey in the US, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning youth are more than three times as likely than their heterosexual counterparts to attempt suicide.

According to the article, young women who identified as lesbian were more than twice as likely to attempt suicide than young women who identified as straight. Young men who identified as gay were more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than young men who identified as straight.

The numbers go up for young people who identified as bisexual, with young women who identified as bisexual more than three times as likely to attempt suicide than young women who identified as straight, and young men who identified as bisexual more than five times as likely to attempt suicide than young men who identified as straight.

The article points out that "Researchers also lacked data on gender identity or transgender youth, who may have an even higher risk of suicide than gay and bisexual teens."

What can you do?

Donate to The Trevor Project! This great organization is combating suicide among the most vulnerable of the LGBTQ community, and you can donate to them today at:


Read the full article at:


Read the full research report at:


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