Gay Porn Star Gets 9 Years in Federal Prison

in #gay7 years ago

Tyler St. James.jpg

For running an illegal steroid ring!?!? is reporting that 28 year old Tyler St. James (as he's known in the gay porn world) has been sentenced to nine years in federal prison for his role as ringleader in what the US Department of Justice is calling one of the largest illegal steroid lab operations in the United States.

The ring was apparently a family affair, with the porn stars' father, mother, and two of his brothers all having a role - and all being charged with federal offense and ordered to terms of confinement ranging from as little as four days to three years. Several other individuals have pleaded guilty but have yet to be sentenced.

The ring apparently imported powdered steroids from foreign countries like China, and then resold the illegal product in liquid, pill, and tablet form. The illegal roids were then sold via the internet using services like Moneygram and Walmart to Walmart Money Transfer.

Read the original article at:

Read the press release from the US Department of Defense at:

Image credited to and originally found at (NSFW!):