
Mmmmm, apricot wine!

At our previous house we used to have a cherry tree in the front garden. Loved getting the fruit in the summer. Used to make crumble with it. Not sure if you can make cherry wine? :)


Apricots are the best but I like them not as ripe it makes them a little more sour

Wow remarkable job I must stay! The beauty that comes from harvesting your own fruit I can just imagine ! Love it ❤️ Upvoting you and must follow !

Thank you.

@bola loved your quality work upvoted and following you.

wow! They looks like the trees of my parents in Southamerica! Following and upvoting you big soul @bola!

I love apricots! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!

Great! finally producing..

They will be delicious :)

Nice photos and great gardening, there are plenty of them!

Thank you.

You're welcome! ;)

Only tried apricots for the first time recently, but I was mighty impressed by their delicious and addictive quality. Particularly intrigued by your mention of making apricot wine...please be sure to post that when you do :)

I will, thanks for reading my blog.