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RE: Hydrogen Peroxide for Thriving Health

in #gardenofeden7 years ago

Terrific post. I am a big fan of hydrogen peroxide and keep a bottle in the first aid box. I had to attend to a dog bite the other week, so I poured peroxide onto the wound, and then dressed it with Friars Balsam. A week late, the puncture wounds were healed and no sign of infection.


Awesome! Are you from Canada? We know Balsam to be a Canadian product very similar to 100% gum spirits of turpentine - another super valuable and very important product that can work wonders! We used it with great success to eradicate candida overgrowth and parasite infections

Hello, No I live in South Africa. That is very interesting about gum spirits of turpentine. I have not heard of it before, but it could well be the same type of product. Friars Balsam is an iodine color and sticky to the touch.