@quinneaker Stabbed Multiple Times On His Own Land; Assailant Walks Free. Graphic Photo Included.

in #gardenofeden6 years ago (edited)

@quinneaker was stabbed multiple times in Texas in the very early morning hours of May 23. Injuries to his arms, chest, and legs. Thankfully no critical organs or arteries were cut, and he is now in stable condition.

Attacker was a formerly homeless man Quinn provided refuge for at the Garden of Eden.

As unsettling as this incident was, it is extremely unfortunate that Arlington police once again demonstrated their bias and dishonor in investigating this crime. Although Quinn was obviously stabbed, bleeding profusely, unarmed, AND asked to press charges on his assailant, the assailant is free. AND in a shocking and appalling turn of events, Quinn was arrested! 

This leaves us no choice but to share our experience, witness testimony, notarized affidavits, videos, photos, etc. that clearly demonstrate the grievous mishandling of this “investigation” to expose the well-known corruption of police and defend Quinn’s well-known honor. 

Police officers were on the scene for approximately 16 hours. We recorded proof that during this period they lied multiple times, misrepresented their intentions, ignored due diligence and due process of law, entered and searched the property and structures without consent or a warrant, and opportunistically seized a target (i.e. Quinn) and community they have harassed and terrorized for years. (See SWAT raid of 2013 and pending federal lawsuit against the City of Arlington for more perspective.)

Our media is now focused on sharing our experience. WE MIGHT SHARE GRAPHIC PHOTOS OF A GRAPHIC EVENT so the graphic truth may be seen.


We live in a police state, and the struggle is real.

Something that greatly disturbs us is that if Quinn had not opened his home to share his resources and abundance, then this person would not have been at the property, thus this incident would not have unfolded as it did.

We hereby declare that at this time we are no longer focused on giving away free food, clothing, housing, education, and healing to people in need. Instead, all resources we generate through all of our operations are going towards freeing Quinn.

Quinn has been in police custody since approximately 7 am Wednesday, 5/23/2018.

Quinn is currently being held in the Tarrant County Jail, 100 N Lamar St, Fort Worth, TX 76102

He is scheduled for arraignment Friday, 5/25/2018 at 9 am, at which time we expect bail will be set. We plan to do what it takes to get him released right away.

You can donate towards bail and legal defense using the donate button on our website, OR you can transfer STEEM or SBD to the @gardenofeden wallet here on the blockchain.

Stay tuned for updates.


THANK YOU all for your outpouring of support! It means so much to us! #doingitforquinn

We want to address every one of you individually and we will because we are so grateful for your concern and consideration. Please understand that right now things are extremely hectic and we love you but time is of the essence while we work to #freequinn

Please help us make any and all publications go viral! We are posting on the Steem blockchain first, and are already finding shared links censored and removed by old paradigm social media like Twitter and Facebook. We need your help in getting this message out!

Special thanks go out to @cryptomancer for making a generous donation to Quinn's Freedom Fund. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, we are very blessed to receive your gift and will use it for the highest good.



even tho i have been trying to save my upvotes man fuuuck i had to 100% Upvote and resteem and I am sad to hear the Police seem to hate this program to just help the homeless off grid.... really sucks....

but just keep posting and keep making videos your use of dtube and dlive is so important right now, you guys need videos, dtube, dlive (and youtube for long term storage) you really need to document all opf this and show us all whats going on over video you will probably get most of steem behind you so yeah i upvoted and resteemed

THANK YOU one and all for your comments, concerns, and well wishes!

We are juggling our time staying up on caring for Quinn, protecting our people, connecting with lawyers, getting info from agencies, the flood of phone calls and questions from supporters from all over the world, in addition to the events that continue to unfold in real life - including evidence that Quinn's attacker continues to trespass on our property.

Please understand that we have lots of priorities in this chaotic time and not enough time to address each and every one of you!

Our evidence is forthcoming, and we believe it speaks clearly for itself that Quinn is innocent, his attacker is guilty, and the APD once again targeted Quinn and mishandled this situation.

We are grateful for the great support you have shown us during this highly stressful time!

Upvoted for relevancy

This is shocking and terrible. Quinn and all you folks at the Garden of Eden have always been pillars of the Steem community. I have enjoyed your posts about sustainable living and admire all the good you do for others. And many times have I drooled over the food you cook! Always thought it would be fun to visit the Garden of Eden if I'm ever in Texas.

You have all built a wonderful community for yourselves and it's so sad to see such mistreatment and discrimination from those who should know better.

Sending you my prayers from Japan and well wishes for Quinn's speedy release & recovery. I have just donated 500 Steem to the @gardenofeden account. Please use it as you see fit for Quinn's defense.


Very sorry to hear this, Upvoted and resteemed, and I hope you all can continue posting to keep stacking up Steempower. One day soon this will be over and we should all just life safer lives. Also we should all be writing our Last Wills and testaments just in case.

It's better for your heirs if you avoid probate altogether. I simply provided bills of sale to those I want to have my stuff after I die.

It's nice of them to let me use it while I live =)

You guys need to move the homestead from this hostile region to somewhere that has an understanding city government that is libertarian and would never do this and there are plenty of good states and counties left in the US where they would never fuck with off the grid people like this but yeah it would really help if this post was edited to include a little summary of what you guys actually do because most steemians have not heard of your organization and dont know about all the good work you do in your area, so it would help to show some screenshots of past posts or just a summary of what you guys do and how this happened because of someone "biting the hand that feeds them' sort of scenario unfolding Im assuming, some sort of fight must have happened, but what really sucks is that it is more evidence towards the whole argument against helping those in need because this will just happen and yeah it makes me worried that many steemians are actually hurting rather than helping by giving money or even food and resources to those "in need" and maybe Aynn Rand was right...... maybe we also should realize that if we would just save ALL of our own resources well then we could get rich enough to maybe one day actually afford a house for the homeless people here and we could help them a lot more... just an example... but what if instead of sharing all of the resources he had shared he had just sold them or kept them, used that money to buy more land, use THAT to give homeless some homesteads.... I dunno I just like to wonder about these issues... even though we all agree we are all arguing about it on steemspeak.com discord too

The whole Aynn Rand idea of Altruism being bad makes too much sense to ignore... when u help others they will just take advantage because they must to survive its an instinct and when u present poor and desperate people with an opportunity to rob you, they are going to rob you,a and it just sucks that the police make it worse but what can you expect

It is better to find poor people online who will work hard and appreciate a dollar , instead of trying to help people who just take and take and take like we see more so in the USA which is a generalization but its so true man I try to help -people here in the USA and they just act like if i had $20 to hand out, that $20 must have been nothing to me, when it still is worth something to me, they just act so entitled and fucking welfare is to blame for that so many people walk around the USA acting like they will always be entitled to have someone else pay for their fucking food just because.... and yeah when the federal reserve and treasury just print up trillions of fiat paper money you start to not give a fuck... why care anyway?

well now with crypto we can LET the fiat people implode while we get to pick up all the pieces! we will end up with the stable currency and Steemians are going to come out of this stronger, just like our friend here. I am just happy to hear he did not die, so that is good and he will learn a lot out of this, and when he gets out of jail soon and his bail is paid I am sure he will be able to pack up and get the fuck out of that hell hole of a town wherever it is, why subject yourself to that tyranny. There are plenty of places you can homestead where counties will be HAPPY to see you living in their low population counties! Not all of the USA is like this, you will find better homesteading lands

upvoted 100% and resteemed

I am an Ayn Rand fan, but I think what these folks do is marvelous. You can't just NOT be generous because someone MIGHT bite the hand that feeds you.

Matthew 25:40 says "Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto me." This is an anecdote to say that when we serve the least deserving, we serve the most on high.

The people they serve do not take and take and take. Many of them are invited to cultivate the land, help repair tools, clean, maintain the housing, offer first aid, prepare oils and herbs for medicinal purposes...they pitch in. It's part of the whole thing. They have dignity in it. A lot of folks who walk into places like these are yearning for a better life. They may have come from a place where providing for themselves is simply not an option. They learn how to take care of themselves here, how to grow and cultivate, how to gain friendships and become a person they can be proud of.

What these folks will likely do in the future is be prepared to spot the signs next time something like this is looming, if there are signs to see. The fact is, this incident could have happened to anyone in a situation like this. Nurses, doctors, care-givers, therapists -- they all run the risk of hazard whenever there are less fortunate, vulnerable, or unstable people involved.

GOE will be back at it again, they will just be more prepared to either prevent or minimize this kind of thing in the future.

As far as the location, you may be right. They could relocate I guess. But this is their home. They have cultivated the land and the resources for years here. And this is not the first time they have had to relocate. Ron Paul has fought for them as well. I think no matter where they go, they will draw negative attention and persecution from fear. But you may be right. There may be a place that is more suitable for this kind of arrangement.

I'd be curious to know what the circumstances of the attack were, and what kind of reasoning the police came up with to "finally get their guy." I'll bet it was something like this,

Homeless guy: "Oh, police people, he was assaulting me so I knifed him out of self defense!"

Police: "Thank you for your statement homeless guy. That's all we need. Quinn, you're under arrest, anything you say can and will be used against you..."

Quinn: "Wait, don't you want to hear my statement?"

Police: "Sure. But it doesn't really matter what you say. We've got it all written down the way we need it."

GOE: "Wait, don't you want to hear what really happened? We have dozens of witnesses. Video footage. Testimonies. Evidence. We'd be happy to share. This was not his fault. He is a peaceful man. The man who stabbed him is unstable and we are not sure what his motivation was. We have fed him and housed him at least a dozen times in the past without incident."

Police: "Um, no thanks. We've got all we need. Don't call us. We'll call you."

I find Ayn Rand absolutely abhorrent and to use her repellent selfish ideology in this post after this horrible incident is beyond distasteful to me.

The guy who came in and stabbed this poor guy was probably mentally ill. To use him as an excuse to prop up the idea that freely given care and hospitality is wrong just blows my tiny mind.

What the Garden of Eden people do is brilliant and beautiful.

@sue-stevenson While I urge you and anyone to research objectivist ideology further to understand why self-interest is necessary and not nearly as abhorrent as blind altruism to society, I agree that this is no argument to change the mission of the GoE.

@ackza The most important piece of the ideology is the internal locus of control. It is up to every person to determine their personal values and to act in accordance to those values. GoE clearly feels it is in their best interest to serve their community in the manner of food and shelter and feel that what they donate is in excess of what they desire. I also hope that they are acknowledging the potential for people's reliance upon their charity and considering that impact on the community as well, but someone more familiar with the project like @littlescribe mentioned that often people will work to demonstrate gratitude/pay their debt. But bottom line is that those agreements do not concern you or me. I'm always glad to discuss with a fellow objectivist, as I believe it to be the most moral ideology, but it can often be twisted into "evil" by others, so I hope that you may grow in your understanding that the key tenant is that no person can determine for another what is in their best interest.

Bless you @cryptomancer!!!! Thank you so very much for your support in many ways. We will take this energy and send it to Quinn. Thank you for the blessing.

You are most welcome. I hope very much that this tragic incident can have a happy ending. All of us here on Steem are rooting for you guys!

I have no doubt that this too shall be an opportunity to shine the light on the darkness and that truth, love and honor shall prevail. Your support is indeed a blessing. I know for sure that all the great vibrations are helping him/us heal! <3

Same here! I've always wanted to visit. It seems like such an awesome place to dwell. I love the whole sustainable living concept, and all the fresh and healthy foods they cook and prepare. Blessings to you all at GOE!

This is terrible news to be heard. Quinn is the one I have known when I just starting things out here in Steemit. I hope we can find justice for him. Luckily, nothing serious injuries happened on him. I hope he can back on track again providing good value to the community

This is aweful! As a long time Steemian, and the Creator of STEEMIT GOT TALENT (main acc is @bambam808) and the Host of Steemit Outdoors, I have had MANY conversations with @quinneaker and am hurt to the core. I was blessed to be able to watch him and @qiqi-power show their amazing talents! I dont have much, But I am sending you what I can to help the cause, as well as upvoted resteemd on both accounts! #freeQuinn! Prays and Blessings to him, his family, friends, and the entire @gardenofeden community! <3

i just sang a POWER bhajan for quinn.. whilst singing i got a message that might be nice for him to hear:

"Quinn.. stay strong brother.. you are SO loved and supported. Don't let Karma or Maya disturb your heart or your mind.. you are far greater than these events.. that happen for reasons beyond our understanding. It is not important why they happened, but just that they had to happen. Sending you a bounty of light and love, and know that you will continue to shine because you are unstoppable!"


Thank you! Will be sure he gets this download <3

My thoughts and prayers are with Quinn and your community.

So terrible to hear that something like this could happen.

I hope he will be set free as soon as possible and that the injuries will heal well.
I just sent you some SBD, hope it will help. Good luck at the hearing tomorrow


Thank you @sirwinchester! We are very grateful for your support and will use your donation to secure Quinn's freedom. His bail was set this morning, we posted this afternoon, and now we are awaiting his release. Unfortunately the system is so inefficient that it may take 8-12 hours or more before he is released.

@quinneaker, get well soon from all of the DLive Team.

@quinneaker, as someone who has been watching your videos since the earlier days of DLive, this is super tragic news and I hope that you have speedy recovery

Thank you! <3

Wow, this is terrible! I'm so sorry to hear about this. What were the charges filed against him?

Yeah this is really ridiculous. He's charged with assault with a deadly weapon and an old traffic violation

Assault of whom? The assailant?