Fried Stuff from our Sustainable Outdoor Kitchen at Eden Metamorphosis 🦋
Food is super important to us, so our sustainable outdoor kitchen served as a focal point for Eden Metamorphosis.
Some things never change :)
We served our guests delicious, free, high vibe food all weekend to blow their minds with mouthgasm after mouthgasm while highlighting our sustainable food production system.
We did all of our cooking over rocket stoves we built by hand out of dirt, and our guests had a great time tending the fires and preparing our dishes!
Here's a photo gallery of whipping up some yummy fried stuff:
Our dapper friend Alan battered up the onion rings and other veggies.
Catch his handiwork on @dlive
@loveon glows in the kitchen, her natural stage
after onion rings, we battered and fried corn on the cob and sticks of yellow squash too
The corn on the cob was incredible served with smokey, spicy, creamy sauces!
We hope you enjoyed this taste of life in the Metamorphosis Vortex! Our production crew @truthproductions made it all possible, from food to media~*~
The feasts were super inspired, super delicious, super high vibe, and free free free for one and all ALL weekend! It is a blessing not only to live but to be able to share such an epic reality. Food is basic, and we still encourage one and all to embrace a sustainable relationship with it~

We have had numerous requests asking how people can be of service to help @quinneaker and our community @gardenofeden, and we are extremely grateful for that support!! Here's what you can do to help:
- Send good vibes! Prayer, dancing, meditating, chanting - anything you do to activate that light & love force of LIFE, please send some to @quinneaker for a speedy, easy healing!
- PLEASE SHARE these posts by resteeming on the blockchain and through other media outlets!!
- Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in fiat using the Donate button at the top of our homepage:
- Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in crypto through a free and instantaneous transfer here on the Steem blockchain, or send
LTC Levh2ph11Bmsi3aPw3dB6jazvpGfMwKceW
EOS or ETH 0x8F7bd2F6Cc132c62C3E9D7CC7f9aaB2c0ED84491
- We need a civil prosecutor AND a criminal defense lawyer! If you are an honorable lawyer or have a great recommendation for one, please contact us.
For now, instead of giving away all of our resources towards helping others and providing free food, clothing, and shelter to anyone as we have for the past decade, we are now redirecting everything we have towards keeping Quinn out of jail.
Please share our press release with your own network to help us get eyes on this issue:
Garden of Eden Founder Quinn Eaker Stabbed Multiple Times On His Own Land
Assailant Walks Free After Another Botched And Bungled Operation From The Arlington Police Department
[ARLINGTON, TEXAS, May 31] -- Quinn Eaker, founder of the humanitarian project the Garden of Eden that feeds tens of thousands of free meals a year, clothes, shelters, educates, and provides healing space for people in need, was stabbed 8 times by a homeless man for whom he had provided refuge.
Eaker, 35, is in stable condition, despite being locked in a police car for more than 30 minutes while he bled without care.
Assailant Heath Archer, who first pepper sprayed Eaker before repeatedly stabbing him, called the police then disappeared for 2 hours before showing up with an unexplained wound to the forearm that was unsubstantiated by witness accounts.
Archer remains free, despite Eaker’s request to press charges and file a restraining order.
In an appalling and unjustified turn of events for which no probable cause has been presented, Eaker was arrested and removed from his own property.
In yet another example of gross misconduct on behalf of the Arlington Police Department, the ensuing investigation of the incident was a laundry list of rights violations: search without a warrant, arrest without reading rights, coercion, intimidation, manipulation, lying, failure to properly secure a crime scene, trespassing, failure to follow due process, and failure to conduct due diligence.
Eaker was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and has since been released on bond.
Unfortunately this is not the first or worst of the Arlington Police Department’s gross abuse of power as they repeatedly target Eaker with corrupt and unlawful attacks, such as the the bogus SWAT raid on the property and terrorization of its residents in August 2013. This latest grievous injustice is another illustration of malicious intent from the City of Arlington, which is already facing an ongoing $5 million civil suit from residents of the Garden of Eden.
Significant portions of the investigation were videoed, photographed, and witnessed by residents of the Garden of Eden and will be released as public record on the censorship resistant Steem blockchain, as well as used in lawsuits against Heath Archer and the Arlington Police Department.
The Garden of Eden is a non-profit and sustainable community dedicated to building a better world for all.
A better world IS possible~*~
thought you ate dude at crime scene at first!
Kudos to that guy helping me. He hung in there for a long time. Pretty much no one had the endurance that I had but this guy did better than most.
That fried stuff I make is some of Quinn's favorites. It was a pleasure and an honor to serve. Being back in my ol' outdoor theater kitchen was truly an interesting experience.
That kitchen is a mirror of me. I have had many lows and many highs around those fires. Ultimately, I have recovered many lost pieces of myself preparing the food for the community, parties and the homeless in the outdoor GoE kitchen.
A few days before Eden Metamorphosis I fired up the stoves and many old dysfunctions began to surface. Instead of indulging myself in those emotions I took a well shower then laid down in my hammock to meditate.
I reminded myself that I am cooking and preparing this food. I can do it with help or alone because I am a badass. Then a calm place surfaced in my spirit. After that I went out to the kitchen and smoothly and easily prepared all the food for the whole weekend except one meal that Inok prepared.
It was ALL awesome! Everyone told me many, many times how much they enjoyed the food.
The LOVE I put into all of it is the main ingredient.
Super grateful to serve! After all, isn't that what it's all about?
Loving all that's Steemy!
This crime scene is horrible, i am afraid. I have given a bid to your bot of 0.2 sbd but cant get upvote please send me back, i have already written two times before, now i am reluctant to have a bid on your bot thanks.
That all looks delicious!!!
So terrible what happened to Quinn... so glad that he's okay though.. such a nice person for this terrible thing to happen to..
Anyways back to the food.. i really wish i could cook.. that looked fantastic :)
Mel Xx
It looks delicious and really healthy what they cook! I get the attention of the kind of activities that are done in the village, it looks fun
That's horrible what happened to Quinn Eaker. I really hope that he's okay... he's done a lot of good deeds providing refuge and meals for the homeless.
I know it's not much since I'm new on Steemit but I upvoted and followed. Let me know if there's any more I can do, that's horrible what happened to Quinn and again, I hope he gets better soon!
The food looks so yummy
OMG , its the first I am hearing about what happened to @quinneaker ! Wow, Unbelievable @gardenofeden ! such injustice that I truely hope you guys win in court and prove once and for all how corrupt the police system is! I sure hope Quinn is Ok , my hearts and prayers are with you all, and wish you all the best of luck moving forward !How can the guy who did this not even be charged, and out free!? but Quinn gets charged!? Such Bull Sh#$ ! upped and resteemed, hes on my Auto voter , I will check his blog again, I was just there earlier tonight.

EDIT: This must be the first news of this, I found nothing there. Thanks So Much For Sharing With Us!🐂💩✌
Your kitchen set up reminds me of our grandmother's kitchen. I remembered visiting spending times at her home and we cook everything like that. I am not so keen about washing the pots later on though.
That's a terrible thing that happened to Quinn. I hope everything is going to be okay. May justice prevails.
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