Planting Mustard In Polybag or Pot

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Planting mustard in polybag is very easy to do, especially if planted in around the home page. Planting mustard with a system of "tabulampot" or polybag is suitable to be done on a narrow field, not least in the yard of our own home.

Polybag is a media planting we can neatly arranged in a vacant lot around the yard, or if there is no land at all, we can still planting mustard in polybag by means of vertikutur that is using wood or bamboo by forming it in arranged. For example as in the picture below.

Cara Menanam Sawi Dalam Polybag.jpg

Then how to plant mustard in a good polybag to get more leverage? Before further review about the cultivation of mustard plants in polybags, we should first know a glimpse of the mustard greens.

Terms of growing mustard plants

Terms perting to planting mustard greens to grow the maximum is must have a loose planting medium and contains nutrients / humus and has drainage (good drainage). A good soil Ph degree is ideally 6 to 7.

The mustard plants will grow maximally in the highlands, but this one plant can also be cultivated in the lowlands while the water needs can be fulfilled. One of the advantages of mustard plants is to be planted at any time, meaning no matter the rainy season or the dry season. A very good time to plant mustard greens at the end of the rainy season.

Mustard can not grow maximally in the dry season if we do not pay attention to water requirement, but if planting mustard with polybag / pot media then surely it will be easier to care for including the requirement of water. So we can still plant mustard greens by "tabulampot" during the dry season.

Here's how to plant the mustard using polybag / pot

Cara Menanam Sawi Dalam Polybag atau Pot.jpg


The equipment needed to plant the mustard in polybags is more or less the same as the equipment needed in the cultivation of the tabulampot system (fruit crops in pots). It's just here we use polybag as the medium. Here are some tools and materials needed:

  • Polybag Size 4 inc or tray seedling (optional).
  • Polybag size 18 inc.
  • Media planting (loose soil, manure, charcoal husk).
  • Seeds of mustard greens.
  • Nutrition plant in the form of organic fertilizer / manure.



To be able to produce good mustard seeds the first thing to note is the selection of mustard seeds. Then how the characteristics of good mustard seeds? Here are the characteristics:

  • Seeds are round and small.
  • Has a blackish brown skin color.
  • Seeds of mustard seeds look shiny and slippery.
  • Superior mustard seeds usually dibugkus with aluminum foil

In addition to how to see the characteristics of superior weed seeds above, we can still select the seeds of mustard seeds by soaking. Good seeds for planting seeds will sink when soaked, but the seeds that float can be separated because it is the seed of the mustard that is less good to be planted.


Cara Menanam Sawi Dalam Polybag atau Pot 4.jpg

  • First prepare the seeding media.
  • The material consists of loose soil and compost / manure with a ratio of 3: 1.
  • Mix the ingredients until evenly and insert into small poly bag or place in container of seedling / seedling seedlings.
  • Let stand for approximately 1 week.
  • If you can try to avoid rain or sun directly.
  • If the seeding media is ready then we can soak the mustard seed with warm water about 3 hours.
  • Before the seeds of the mustard seeds are placed in the media, we can spray the seedling medium until wet or damp, then the seedling seeds into seedling polybag / tray.
  • Then cover the thin media seedlings with fine soil.
  • Do not forget to do watering regularly, ie in the morning and evening. But still need to pay attention to the condition of the media, if still wet we do not need to water it.


Cara Menanam Sawi Dalam Polybag atau Pot 3.jpg

Planting media for the cultivation of mustard in polybag consists of loose soil, compost / manure and charcoal husk. Combine all the ingredients with a ratio of 3: 2: 2. Would be great if added goat manure.

If it is mixed, it's time to put the materials into the polybag so that the planting medium is ready to accommodate the seedling seedlings that have been sowing. Do not forget to punch the ground in the middle of polybags.


Cara Menanam Sawi Dalam Polybag atau Pot 2.jpg

Seeds are ready to move to the main polybag when it has leaves of 4 to 5 pieces. Usually seedlings will grow with 4-5 leaves 3-4 weeks after seeding. Perform removal of mustard seedlings by taking it from the media seedlings without any little root that is uprooted. How to gouge with the ground so that the roots remain intact. One polybag can accommodate mustard seeds between 3-5 pieces.


As the cultivation of plants in polybag in general, planting mustard in polybag / pot can be easily treated. Only need to water regularly and fertilize. Wash the mustard plants in polybags every morning and evening. But if the rain or soil conditions on the polybag is still wet, we do not need to water it.

If you want to grow more mustard greens, we need to provide fertilizer gradually, give organic fertilizer (liquid fertilizer / manure every 10 days or two weeks.

Cultivation of mustard greens in polybags tend to be cleaner than weeds or crops. But that does not mean 100% will be completely without weed like the growth of grass or other pests that grow in polybags. Therefore we need to keep hygiene polybag from weeds by doing weeding.


Cara Menanam Sawi Dalam Polybag atau Pot 5.jpg

Pests and diseases in mustard plants is one of the factors that most inhibits the development of mustard greens, therefore we have to know the types and ways to cope so that mustard plants in polybags still grow to the maximum. There are some pests and diseases that can attack mustard plants as below:

Plant Pests

  • Leaf-damaging caterpillars (Plutella xylostella)-This one pest attacks the mustard leaves, resulting in damaged leaf surfaces. Plutella xylostella also makes leaves perforated and uneven and leaves will dry. How to cope we can do spraying insektisida on mustard plants.

  • Caterpillars (Agrotis sp.)- The next pests are ground caterpillars (Agrotis sp.), The impact of this pest is the destruction of plant roots so that the mustard plants become withered and mengguning then finally die. One way that can be done to overcome this is by spraying insecticides are usually in the form of dosage-shaped dosage.

  • Grayak caterpillars - These pests are often found in mustard plants, the effects are made by grayak caterpillars can lead to mustard leaves mengguning and perforated and the leaves are not irregular. How to cope with the same as in the caterpillar destroyer leaves above.

  • Leaf miner (Lirimyza sp) - Characteristics of mustard plants affected Lirimyza sp usually leaves will mengguning or the presence of brownish yellow spots. Please do spraying with Trigard 75 WpP and Proclaim 5 SG to solve it.

Plant Sick Disease

  • Leaf rot disease (Phytotora sp.) - The characteristic of a malignant disease is the leaves of the mustard will turn and the presence of the mucus in the leaves until it finally decays. How to control it is by spraying fungicide.

  • Mace root disease (Plasmodiophora brassicae)-As the name implies, root disease usually attacks the root roots of mustard greens until it rots until the plants wither and die suddenly. The root disease at this time we still have not got information for its control.

  • Leaf spots - Symptoms of this one pest is the presence of yellow to brownish spots or even blackish on the leaf surface. The fix is ​​by spraying fungicides for example with Bion M 1/48 WP.

  • Alternaria rot - This pest attacks the roots of mustard plants to dry or rot. The impact is the sudden death of mustard plants. How to control the pest on the mustard this one is to spray with a fungide that can be Dithane appropriate dose.


Approximately how long a mustard harvest has been planted since? Cultivated Plants in polybags generally can be harvested when the age has reached 40 s / d 60 days after planting, but it all depends on the success factor in the cultivation of mustard greens.

There are several ways in harvesting mustard greens. The most common is by removing it or by cutting the mustard bar just above the ground. If the goal is to be consumed by themselves usually mustard harvested by cutting the leaves one per sat, The goal is that the plant can last long.

Such is the guide or How to Plant Mustard In Polybag To Grow Maximum. Hopefully bermanfaa and can be a reference for all readers who like to grow crops. I suggest searching other references for comparison and additional information. good luck