Steaming through Steemit posts

in #gardening9 years ago

I have now made it part of my daily routine to read about people's posts for half an hour after I wake up and then numerous times of the day so I do not miss any new and interesting content.

There are various categories that you can chose to read posts in and I personally like the gardening posts. I have a love of gardening myself so like seeing what others are up to.

I do however have a problem writing my own posts so am writing it as it flows out of my mind and get it typed out as soon as I think of it before the flow goes and I forget everything. This does not make for a good post but it shows my lines of thought and how it goes from on thing to another and it is written in the way I speak.

Off I go to cut the grass in the front garden then I will be back to read a bit more.


writing is like anything else the more you do it the easier it gets. enjoy your gardening today.