Casualties Of The GARDEN ~ GROWING FOOD Can Be WAR! 📷 [Video inside]
It Happens Every Year In The Garden

Every year the story is the same with just different characters. You never know which ones will fall in battle. The garden is a battlefield with your enemies being moles, packrats, groundhogs, armadillos, mice, birds, Japanese beetles, aphids, and hornworms just to name a few! Yes, the enemy is well equipped and will choose to invade and take it's toll on your hard work of growing food for your family!
Of course, you have counter measures to discourage your foe but even still, there are casualties. This is the cost of growing a garden. It will happen. A TRUE gardener, battle hardened and tested prepares himself/herself mentally for this sad inevitability.


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Thank You for sharing what all is going on with the garden Zac, love that you grow and know your foods! Resteemit!
That's a real bummer about the potatoes and squash. Thanks for the tip on the Egyptian spinach I will try it next year for sure. I'm always battling squirrels for my tomatoes and sweet peppers. Next year I am planting twice as many tomatoes hopefully there won't be twice as many squirrels.
So true about something going bad each year. I try so hard to make everything come out perfect but there is always at least one thing that has a bad year. Oh well such is the life of a gardener.
Cabbage worms are my greatest enemy every year.
I have a question on compost can i use fishing worms or is there special worms i need to buy to help with composting
wiener dog that'll find that mole .
I had gophers do that to my green beans. They tunnelled underground and tried to pull the plants under. All the plants broke off at soil level and died. That year I only got one mess of beans for dinner. Very disappointing. I think the answer is raised garden beds lined with some type of barrier that will allow for water circulation but keep the critters out. I guess it's trial and error to find out which plants, such as potatoes, zucchini, or beans, the critters like and then plant them in the raised beds.
Those poor potatos got destroyed bro, hope next year they dont get attacked.
Big up from Portugal, upvoted and followed ;)
Growing stuff is tough but try to grow things here in Arizona. It is like trying to grow something on Mars.
Great video guys as always. Keep them coming as theses are vital skills we need to share.