Lily's Bonsai Rose Bush: Playing with Plants
I've always wanted a bonsai tree....but this rose is serving me quite nicely as a subsitute. I've been bending it's branches and pruning it for a few months now and I'm getting interesting results in the branch formation, as well as a lot of new growth. Roses are like tomatoes which are honestly like weed plants, they like being abused a little.
My rose plant goes in cycles and it's in a growth cycle, meaning it's focusing on new foliage and not flowers. That's why it doesn't look like much but a weird thorny bush to the untrained eye.
It's like a chess game but with a plant. You bend a branch and a few days later go back and see if it stayed or not. Sometimes there's a new stalk ready to be bent down, sometimes you need to prune some leaves to allow more light to get in. Every day I make a move and so does the rose bush.
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You really have an eye for beautiful things around us. Nature lover indeed.
I also think Bonsai is related to Ginseng Root, one of my favorite tonic herbs
From my understanding there are actually several different trees including gingko biloboa that you can use these techniques on to get a bonsai tree.
If you want to learn more about the art of Bonsai I can teach you the basics! I bet you can find some good Yamadori (collected wild specimens) in some abandoned lots around there. Especially if it is dry, you can find some really good, old-looking, weathered trunks!
Its something I'm sure I'll venture more into at some point.
Oh, that is looking lovely. Keep with it, you've have a great specimen. I happened to form a rosebush by accident one time that turned out great. I laid some heavy metal pieces against a fence the rose was growing on. Time got away from me and when I went back to retrieve the metal, the rose had grow around a few pieces, forming all kinds of loops and bends. I was lucky to not break any of the stems. That turned into the coolest rose bush ever. I think it was a tropicana tea rose, if I remember right.
It's a great metaphor in life. When life cuts you down, pump out another shoot and keep growing.
I like that! Lord knows, I'm always growing new shots, haha.
Flowering plants are lush, will be more beautiful when he has interest
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cool plants...have a pizza on me :)

Great works, I wish you success
Very interesting approach!
I could never imagine a rose like a bonsai.
Keep us posted with the progress.