An update on my garden with video.

in #gardening8 years ago (edited)

Here is a garden update video with a Geordie accent for

There is new surprises that will make you smile.

Hope you enjoy a walk around my little garden and it cheers your Monday up.

Thank you son-of-satire


so nice garden full of colors!!! The 2 little dogs are sooooo sweet!!! Thanks for share ^_^

Thank you and my 2 furbabys said thank you too :)

I love the huge mushroom:) Pleeeease more of your sweet dog next time;)

I'll do a video of just my doggies soon :)

Will be waiting for it:)

Now that is some fantastic color in your garden! Way to go with that green thumb!

Thank you very much :)

Very beautiful and colorful. Thanks for the tour. May you have blessings in abundance like all the flowers in your gsrden!

Thank your more than welcome, :)

Very nice garden progress becoming prettier everyday. Thanks for sharing this lil piece of heaven. :]

Thank you, Its all coming together :)

Sure it will be amazing if you keep doing this kind of improvement :)

I intend to keep adding to it and improving :)

Aww I loved hearing your voice friend! It personalizes your blog so much!
And your pups are adorable! You truly have a green thumb and that purple bloom is just lovely! Happy Monday to you! <3

Aww thank you hun, I hate the Geordie accent, it comes across as common as muck lol

Have a lovely Monday sweety :)

Well to me it sounds exotic and warm, if you had any other voice it wouldn't be you and you are fab as you are!

That's so sweet, I'll book you an appointment for a hearing test heehee. :)

hahaha omg oh stop! I love it!

Sounds common lol

Thank you :)

Love the video Karen!

Thank you :)

Ooh... did I see impatiens??? Can I come kill them? Just kidding! I tried so hard to make them grow outside my office. I guess they don't like a lot of direct sun... I burned them up! tell me if I didn't tell you my wisteria story- it's a hoot!

Mine are growing great, keep removing the dead heads, don't over water and not in direct sunlight all day, mine are on the shade by the afternoon, :) Ohh I like a story :)

Well, if you ever need 'em killed- just give me a holler! I can kill impatiens faster than Round-Up!

I bought some wisteria for outside my bedroom windows... I put up trellises for them to climb and they grew really well. But they never bloomed so I asked this old guy I knew how to get them to bloom. He told me to get a baseball bat or a 2x4 and beat the hell out of the roots. I thought he was nuts! But he swore up and down that's what you do... So I did and sure enough... they bloomed beautiful!

WOW that's really weird, glad it worked and he wasn't just winding you up. NO keep away from my gorgeous impatients lol

Look's great,I saw some nice colors for the photo challange!

I was going to do that but seems Steemit is so quiet tonight I might just wait until tomorrow :)