Jackfruit Cultivation How To Maintain And Harvest A Profitable

in #gardening6 years ago


Jackfruit is one of the most widely grown fruits in the tropics. This fruit exists all over the world. Jackfruit tree is a tree that produces fruit, where the fruit is the same as the name of the tree. Jackfruit leather fruit serrated and oval shaped. For its size, it varies greatly and besides the jackfruit produces a distinctive scent if the fruit is ripe. Jackfruit can be eaten fruit directly and also can be made various recipes. Jackfruit fruit that is still young can be made gudeg or made vegetables lodeh.


Term of maintenance and harvest. This plant is thought to be a native Indian plant that has now been widespread throughout the world, especially Southeast Asia. There are two kinds of jackfruit, namely as follows.

  • Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk or Artocarpus integer (Thumb) Merr commonly called jackfruit.

  • Artocarpus champeden (Lour) Stokes or Artocarpus integrifolia Lf. Commonly called cempedak.

Jackfruit cultivation and harvesting methods are profitable, highly liked by many people. Everyone prefers jackfruit. The types of forest cempedak can be found in Myanmar, Thailand, MaIaysia, and Indonesia. Cempedak has coarse coarse leaves on the leaves and scented specific and sharp, while jackfruit does not. In the wild, between jackfruit and cempedak easily crosslinked.

The nature of botany

Jackfruit is a tall forest plant whose trees can reach 25m. The wood is hard, if it's old yellow to reddish. All parts of the plant bergetah and jackfruit sap usually called pulut. Jackfruit plants are shade resistant and resistant to open fields.

  • Leaves and stems.

Jackfruit cultivation is a profitable way of cultivating and harvesting, and the characteristics of the Leaves are oval, thick, thick, and somewhat stiff. The surface of the leaves is downy to coarse. The leaves are gummy. The branches are slightly upward. The wood is hard and gummy.

  • Flower.

The flowers there are two kinds, namely male flowers and female flowers. The location of the flower is separate, but in one tree (single homes, monoecius). The flowers come out on the trunk, branch or twig and hang as in durian.

  • Fruit.

Jackfruit cultivation and profitable crops are awaiting you. Jackfruit fruit relatively large seeds. Her skin was spiny soft. Each seed is covered by buffalo meat (endocarp) and eksokarp (dami) containing gelatin. Actually the jackfruit is a compound (synthetic) fruit, which is flowering many and arranged perpendicular to the fruit stalk (shaft), forming large compact buildings, and rounded to rounded round shape called the babal.


The real fruit spines are the stigma marks. The female flowers in the babal look fat, while the male chapters are slim.

The fruit skin is green to reddish yellow. The fruit flesh is thin to thick. Once cooked, the flesh is red yellow, soft, sweet, and the aroma is specific.

  • Roots.

Has very strong root and root roots and deep. In fact, able to penetrate the wall of the house.


Jackfruit plants are classified as versatile. Jackfruit cultivation means of maintenance and profitable crops can generate money coffers if maintained intensive. The young fruit can be disayur (gudeg). Meanwhile, ripe fruit is good to eat fresh. The seeds are good to eat after being boiled. The leaves for animal feed. The old trunk is excellent for building materials. The color of the stems is getting dark yellow, the quality of wood for building materials is higher The fruit of jackfruit that has been cooked can be made dodol and durable jackfruit chips are stored. Jackfruit plants are good for, tilted land conservation (steep), but less good for road protectors because leaves are easily deciduous. Therefore, jackfruit is a multipurpose tree species (MPTS).

Jackfruit cultivation means of maintenance and profitable harvest will be very useful if the jackfruit planted and maintained in order to produce profits and fruit jackfruit is also very beneficial to the body, among the benefits include:

  • Nourish the stomach and intestines.

High fiber in the fruit prevents constipation and helps defecate more smoothly and regularly.

  • Protection against cancer.

In addition to vitamin C (powerful antioxidants), jackfruit is also rich in phytonutrients such as lignans, isoflavones and saponins that can fight cancer.

  • Helping vision impairment.

Contains vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant useful for vision.

  • Lowering blood pressure.

A food source rich in potassium, Potassium is important for the body to help regulate blood pressure, thereby reducing heart and stroke risk.

  • Prevent anemia.

Contains iron that can prevent anemia and can accelerate blood circulation in the body.

  • Treatment of asthma.

Jackfruit fruit after being boiled can heal and help to control asthma.

  • Maintain thyroid health.

Jackfruit, especially the mineral content of micro and copper in jackfruit is also effective for thyroid metabolism.

  • Maintaining Bone Health.

Magnesium in jackfruit can strengthen bone and prevent bone from osteoporosis attack.

In addition, these jackfruit plants are all very functional and used, from the tree, the fruit leaves are all fruitful and if cultivated intensively maintenance and profitable crops, the benefits of jackfruit tree are:

Flesh of young jackfruit fruit can be used as vegetable gudeg.

Jackfruit seed flour can be used as raw material for the food industry. (mixture of food).

Jackfruit leaves for goat feed etc.

Wooden tree can be for furniture, for building construction, cow shed, musical instruments, tooling, rowing etc.

Jackfruit fruit can be consumed directly but also can be made with all recipes of food.


Jackfruit plants are well developed in the lowlands to a height of 1,000 m above sea level. The area should be wet to dry with a depth of ground water between 50-200 cm.


The best place for the jackfruit plant at an altitude of 200-600 m asl with the type of soil latosol ata s alluviaL Jackfruit plants resistant to high salinity (salinity) and low soil pH so good if planted in peatlands.

Rainfall for the jackfruit plant is between 1,000-2,000 mm / year. Cempedak more resistant to high rainfall and resistant to shade. In Java and Sumatra, people prefer to plant jackfruit, sedangkandi in Kalimantan more people plant cempedak (peat or podzolic yellow red).

Plant propagation

Jackfruit and cempedak propagated by seed. Jackfruit cultivation and harvesting methods of this profitable can be reproduced by various means. However, it is now developed by way of connection. Cempedak or jackfruit fast root is used for multiplication with connection. Although can be propagated by grafting, but this method is rarely used. When the seeds come from seeds, the plants begin to bear fruit at the age of 2-8 years. However, the seeds of the connection can bear fruit at 2-3 years old. Seeds that will be used for seeds should not be dried under the hot sun because the embryo is easily dead (recalcitrant seeds). Making grafting or connection (enten) on jackfruit is rather difficult because the sap. The sap should be removed first.

  • Superior varieties.

Jackfruit cultivation means of maintenance and harvesting benefits from jackfruit tree is a lot of varieties Iocal jackfruit is classified as superior. There are superior because it produces the fruit with a large size and some are superior because of its early age. However, until now no jackfruit is officially seeded nationally. Distribution area of jackfruit plant is quite extensive in every yard with enough water.


Variety (cultivars) of jackfruit are relatively numerous, including jackfruit pulp (mushy and easily separated from the fruit stalk) and jackfruit jackfruit (the fruit at the base of the tree and usually enlarged in the soil). Jackfruit jackfruit is found in Tegal, Pekalongan and Kendal areas.

Types of large fruit jackfruit usually have a small amount of fruit (less than 50 pieces / tree / year). Meanwhile, the small fruits usually contain a lot of fruit (more than 50 pieces / tree / year).


Jackfruit cultivation and harvesting methods of this profitable can be reproduced by various means. Seedlings planted planting holes measuring 40 cm x 40 cm x 30 cm. each hole is given 10 kg of manure. seedlings planted in the field after reaching a height of more than 50 cm (seeds first seeded in polybags or special nursery).

Artificial fertilizers are rarely given, but should be given NPK fertilizer (15-15-15 as 25-1000 g / plant / year.This fertilizer is given three times each year.But after the plant begins to bear fruit, fertilizer is given 1-2 times / year.


In the stem of the plant, often grow new shoots. These shoots should be thrown away and the only ones left are normal, sturdy, and healthy shoots. The more fertile soil and a lot of fertilizer given N (urea and ZA) then the growth of shoots buds-unproductive sides, which only interfere with the development of stem.

Sometimes the fruit grows together, but is generally single. After pollination, ie after forming, small fruit (babal) fruit should be wrapped (dibrongsong) with black plastic or woven coconut leaves. This is to prevent fruit fly attack. Jackfruit plants are actually able to bear fruit throughout the year, but the harvest season in August - January.

Branch pruning is rarely done. However, if the growth is too fertile, the discharge of weak and tight branch is highly recommended.

Harvest and results

Jackfruit cultivation means of maintenance and profitable harvest of this jackfruit for crawling is usually harvested when young. However, when the fruit will be eaten fresh, it should be harvested after the mature tree. However, jackfruit fruit can be harvested before maturity, but has been full of old. Mature fruits are marked with rare spots and when struck with hard objects will reflect the echoing sound and arise a distinctive aroma. The fruit can reach 200 fruit / tree / year. Weight of fruit between 10-50 kg / fruit, depending on varieties and fertility of the land.

Similarly, brief info about the cultivation of jackfruit ways of maintenance and profitable crops, may be a reference and your Knowledge.