The Big "Oh"

in #gardening7 years ago

Before the harvesting of potatoes, and the ripening of the tomatoes, it is time to harvest the onions.

When the green tops start to fall over, the onions cease growing and we know the harvest is close at hand. We'll usually help them along by knocking down the remaining tops so the bulbs can began drying to dry out.

Harvesting onions is best done when the soil is a bit dry. If a heavy rain is in the forecast, as it was in this case, we try to get them out of the ground the day before.

We examine the onions as they are pulled from the ground. Any with root maggots or other insects are disposed of so as not to contaminate the rest.

The good ones are put into a cart where they will be left in moderate sunlight for a week or so to begin the curing process. We pull the carts into the garage at night.

Candy doesn't really enjoy playing fetch the onion!

The yellow ones will provide us with onions for much of the winter, as they are good storage onions.

The red onions do not keep as long. They will be used first, and many of them will go into pickling jars for use on sandwiches, hamburgers and in salads. Pickled red onions are delicious and will keep in the refrigerator for several weeks.

If we find we have too many onions to use, they can be chopped and dehydrated or frozen.

Onions are easily grown from sets, which are little onion bulbs that are commonly available in the spring. After applying a balanced fertilizer to the soil, the small bulbs are planted about 5 inches apart. They are seldom bothered by insects, but we always expect to lose a few to the onion maggot, and because of this, it is a good idea to plant them in a different spot each year. Their only requirement is to be kept weeded as they do not like competition from other plants. The rain usually provides enough moisture and we are almost always rewarded with a good harvest


That's an awesome crop of onions! Watching the harvest made me hungry for a burger. I have to laugh out loud at Candy's ears when she turned to look at the camera. It was if to say..geez, do I have to go get that?? LOL I'm looking forward to your tomato harvest :D

The tomato harvest is quickly approaching as a few red faces were peering at us today!

I know, I know...everything in it's season LOL...but nothing gets me more excited than tomatoes from the garden. Isn't it funny how thinking about something can tickle your taste buds?? lol

Friend brimax, good video and I devour your publication, because I am passionate about the subject of plantings, and harvests. Onions are an important part along with garlic in my daily food intake. Only because of this terrible crisis prices are exorbitant. The purple onion is excellent to prepare with lemon and honey for colds, in salads they are delicious, I congratulate you for that beautiful harvest of onions. Candy despite not like to see onions harvesting demonstrates their fidelity by accompanying them nearby, and waiting for their turn to play the ball, friend greetings to you and @anise Candy sent a bear hug. @brimax

Thanks perlanacarada, we're hoping things turn around soon for all our friends in Venezuela!

Friend, how are you? how is your wife? those onions look beautiful you have white and purple, the onions next to garlic sautéed in a little oil or butter are delicious for seasoning I use them a lot especially for cooking grains, in vinegar is a good way to keep onions for longer and I also saw that they put them in stockings of those that women use, each one separated by a knot and they give them to them. I do not know if this works but you have so much onion you can try

Candy is the faithful companion of you and always wants to play ball, I like it a lot when I see her in the videos I love her

We haven't tried hanging them in stockings, but hanging them with good airflow is important!

Excelente trabajo @brimax cultivando no solo la Cebolla, Papas y los Tomates. Una sola pregunta por que la cosechamos con el suelo seco y no húmedo. Feliz Fin de Semana

I really love the harvest, It is abundant and of good size.
Onions are so indispensable and versatile.
Congratulations for the beautiful harvest!

Thank you

Brother Brimax you are blessed with that harvest I know that you know how to take advantage of everything and you do not waste anything, I like how I've been learning about you on a farm, in the video I see your wife you really work hard to get your own food

Candy always faithful to your side and taking care of Anis, I send you many blessings so that you continue to have good harvest, health and prosperity on your farm

Thank you Brother, we're sending hope your way!

Your experience with harvesting and sowing is obvious, my friend, it's good to know that the onions you got are in good condition. I had no idea of the process you're telling us of keeping them exposed to sunlight in moderation to begin the process. Quite interesting!

Thanks for taking the time to watch our videos, you are appreciated Brother!

Hello my friend @brimax how are things on the farm I see that with many onions
Good harvest of onions I have read all the process that these onions carry and woow I did not think I knew that it was so much the cudido all the days I learn something new my friend

I like to use yellow onions are my favorite and sometimes I think red onions are a little stronger and make me cry more

We really did have a good harvest of onions this year, thank you.

I like the title of this publication "the great Oh" and it is so this must be a very, very big Oh that more beautiful onions besides fresh ones, they do it very well they took out in the best moment although I do not know much of onion

I have harvested chives onion family

Greetings to Candy I think I just wanted to play

We always try to have a witty title for our videos, thank!

Too much rainfall can damage plants like onions because water can soak and cause roots to rot. So it will require more treatment.

Rainfall can be a bit of a problem for things like onions. We try to watch the weather and harvest accordingly.