Mirsina : botanical diversity of tree

in #garden4 days ago

The rich plant life of the tropics and subtropics is a source of wonder. Locals and tourists alike are amazed by the diversity. The region's plant life is special and beautiful. Plant lovers often try to bring it to colder areas.


One such plant is the charming Myrsine. You can enjoy its beauty in tropical forests. It can also grow in miniature form on your windowsill.

Myrsine is a tropical plant. It is part of the Myrsinaceae family. This family is now included in the Primulaceae. Myrsine is also a genus. The family has about 50 other plant types. They share many features.


Because of this, African Myrsine is often mistaken. People confuse it with plants from the Myrtaceae family. The main difference is smell. Myrtle plants have a strong, distinct smell. Myrsine has a simple, less noticeable scent.

To obtain young plants, both seed propagation and cuttings can be used . Cuttings can be prepared in the third decade of February and early March. The length of the shoots should not exceed 6 cm.


To speed up the formation of the root system, the cut site must be treated with growth stimulants and only then planted in a moist peat or sandy environment. The appearance of young leaves is a signal that the seedlings have taken root. Only after this can the plants be pricked out.