Is Overwatch the most toxic game?
Golly me.
I just spent 3 hours playing Overwatch - started on a ranking of 2034 and ended up finishing 2032.
Overwatch has been one of my favourite games to be released, I love the art style, the different heroes abilities and absolutely love that blizzard are consistently putting out Events, new skins & heroes and maps plus it's not a Pay to Win game, which is sort of rare these days.
I have been a Mercy main for majority of my time on Overwatch but since the new changes + the newly announced changes, I am trying to branch out to different heroes like Dva & Reinhart as well as Moira. So the first game I decided to play Dva, but someone else wanted to play her so I gave it up and chose Mercy.

It was one of the easiest wins I have ever had and I was feeling good about making some progress on my SR.
My issue with this game was that, even though we won, the Zenyata was salty at me for getting Play Of The Game.
These days it's really hard to get Mercy POTG so I was happy and honestly thought I deserved it as it won the game with 2x Rez and triple kill. What more could I have done to deserve it??
Onward I go into the next game, where I meet yet another salty support player wanting to play Mercy because she has 50 hours on her (I have 200 but didnt want to burst her bubble). Usually I would be happy to give up if someone asks nicely like in my first game. But she was just rude and arrogant that I pretended I wasnt in Comms.
We lost that game due to our DPS literally doing nothing and not changing to counter the other team's composition.
I could feel my blood beginning to boil and I knew I was on a downward spiral but I couldnt help but continue to press play.
Finally another win, and I was feeling sort of better about life again, so of course I continued playing.
And this is what I bloody see:

The roadhog was initially another DPS until he saw the other teams picks, so thank god he changed.
But it took until the other team capped the point 75% for someone to change to a second healer.
It was absolute torture solo healing 4 squishies. "I need healing", "I could use some healing" I'm going to have nightmares tonight.
We actually went on to win this map, but by the end of it, I had absolutely had it. I ended up finishing on 2 SR less than what I started with.
I get it, we can't always win. But it's so not satisfying playing a game and making absolutely no progress.
Its also frustrating that people insist on playing ranked but don't choose to play as a team. They're in it for themselves and you can't win games like that.
Overwatch is so team orientated, and I love that about the game, but when you're in a team with a toxic person, or someone insists they're the world's best widow (but somehow still in silver) - it just makes the game so hard to love.
And I'm not saying people's hero preferences are bad, but if it's not working, you have to know when to change & what to change to. There's no point sticking to widow if you're not getting any picks, don't you want to win games? I don't get the logic.
In other news I bought Call of Duty: WW2 on PS4 a few weeks ago and it's honestly been the best change. There's definetly not as much comms/shit talking, plus you don't always have to be reliant on your team. I havent tried the ranked season on COD yet, but so far I have been doing pretty well, and not getting salty at toxic players, so thats a huge bonus! :)

Thanks for reading my rant on Overwatch, I truly do love the game but it's just fucking frustrating haha.
Stay excellent!
Yeah, the game has probably one of the most toxic community's I have seen.
I thought CS:GO and DOTA2 were bad. Overwatch is on another level all together. Which is one of the reasons I quit the competitive scene.
Playing in Australia doesn't help either as the scene is so small compared to other regions like SEA etc.. you will get really badly ranked teams in ranked games, especially in the ranks of grand master and top500.
Where you will get teams with a mix of players from gold to top500 on each team.
I had to play on about 3-4 different smurf accounts just to have fun in lower ranked games, where people are not throwing, trolling, win trading or getting angry because they can't play the hero they want.
In the end, the game is really fun and I have had many fun matches playing it. But with the toxic player base and mood of each game, unless I was playing scrims vs other proper teams the game just wasn't worth the time.
No shit. I never even consider the fact that it's the smaller community of aus. It's been 16 hours and I'm still cut up about last night haha.
I think I'm gonna have to quite too, but I also hate the QP scene, I'm going to have to quit overwatch all together!
Have you watched any of the new league? If yes - what are your thoughts?!
Thanks for the response by the way, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels the same!
Also who do you usually play?!
I used to main dps mostly either mccree, tracer, soldier, widow, and sometimes hog, depending on the meta at the time.
I have posted some frag videos from different seasons from comps, ranked and qp games if you're interested go have a watch.
But I haven't touched the game since I won my last LAN around mid last year, basically since they changed mercy around.
I haven't watched much of the OWL yet, the only thing I know about it from what I have seen so far is that, the Dallas Fuel have a really stacked roster haha.
Valid rant! Nothing worse than salty sore losers. I must admit I have been there.. wanting to play a certain way and it not paying off. You’re right that you need to know when to give it up. A change is as good as a holiday.
Thank you!!! I appreciate it!
I know, I get salty too, but I don't take it out on other players. I definitely ask politely for people to change, and if they don't do it, I just rage in my own head haha.
Love your thinking, quitting overwatch!!!
Moira is a great alternative on both offense and support. I think I will main as her this season. Great post.
Thanks for reading. I come from a console background and I'm pretty new to pc gaming so I panic a lot with the controls especially when playing new heroes. I'm not confident at all on Moira but I agree she's a great hero!
Thanks for the comment !!
It's so unbelievably frustrating don't worry, I think everyone feels your pain! Mercy POTG is great, I like seeing them because they're pretty rare so screw that guy! :P
I think it also makes a difference f you play with friends. If you play solo it's just too much haha.
I appreciate your comment !