Things you should know if you want to start playing Pokemon Go

in #gaming8 years ago

hiden pokemon starter
Right at the beginning of the game when you are given the usual pokemon starters, pick none of them. As in, physically run away from them. The game will jump them over to try and follow you, but by the fourth time you do this, it gets the message you don’t want any of them, and surprise! There’s Pikachu, joining the party.

catch a pokemon like a real pokemon master
at first, catch a low CP pokemon is easy, you can throw pokeball at it. But, once you start seeing 100+ CP Pokémon in the wild, they will start breaking out. And ones that are 300+? They will prove mighty difficult to catch unless you understand that there are a few finer points to the system. First, there’s an entire aspect to capturing most people will miss. If you press and hold the Pokéball, a ring around the Pokémon will start shrinking. When it reaches its smallest circumference, that’s when you should throw, as they are the easiest to capture at that point. Also, the color of the circle matters. Green shouldn’t be a problem, yellow will be tougher, red will be very hard. You eventually get treats you can lob at Pokémon to reduce this level, and make capturing easier. Combine these two tactics, and you should have a better shot at capturing stuff, and later you will unlock more secure types of Pokéballs as well.
hatching the egg
want pokemon that probably not in your area? try to hatch an egg, to do this you have to walk around your neighbourhood, because the game track your move using GPS. so basically walking on treadmill or running around your home will do nothing to hatch the egg, also i dont quite understand why traveling with car or train seems doesnt work either. maybe its has some speed limitation as in traveling with your bycyle will do the trick, or buy a bunch of incubators to reduce the grind if you dont mind spend a couple of bucks for it
tracking pokemon or pokeshop
one thing that you should be aware of about Pokemon Go. The game will not count your steps or alert you when pokemon or pokeshop are near unless the app is OPEN. so in my case it will not do anything except draining my batteries, be aware of your phone sleeping mode if you setting it too fast. if you want to find pokemon or pokeshop, you have walking around with your phone or using earphone to pay attention to sound or buzz while you keep the game open in your pocket.
as for tracking "nearby" pokemon from list, it will pulse as you get close and hear some footsteps if you really close, but i've experiencing zero at this point, but some of my friend did find those silhouette :D

Evolve Non-Primary or catch the new one?
You will be grind lots of extra pokemon into the meat grinder for candy, once you start amassing a lot of low level duplicates. Once you have a max evolution version of a Pokémon, it seems like you’d want to just upgrade that and not look back. But, for some of the most common type near you,if you found a hundreds or thousand of them, they can be a bonus source of significant XP. Well, save a few, and use all that candy (and zero stardust) to evolve them for 500 XP a pop. There are probably only a handful of pokemon that you will find this often, but this is a great use of extra candy and will really help with leveling. although the game lvling system is sucks. you are encouraged to pump pokemon with expensive stardust infusion. only to find out that you will find a higher lvl of the same type as your explore your town further. so be adviced that you stick to pump up your primary pokemon first or if the pokemon is not on the list of silhouettes "nearby" list. also if you want begin to invest on pokemon better at second or third stage pokemon. as in single stage pokemon its hard to tell the best CP of it because the amount is all over the place


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