in #gaming8 years ago

The lost Ark online, one of the newest most anticipated MMORPG, rumored will soon  launch  its teaser site

this pictures were spread wildly on korean social media,  the teaser site is scheduled to open starting on the 28th. Tencent will also  be showcasing the Chinese version of Lost Ark Online via at china joy 2016.  we expect to see some new information in a few days from  either the official website or the live event in China Joy 2016 

so far there are 7 classes confirmed from 18 classes the Battlemaster, Infighter, Warlord, Berserker, Devil Hunter, Summoner, and Arcana . 


   well this game is really package of all things that players seek for an MMORPG game. the game play is looks like diablo 3 but it has open world system that full of hidden quest like final fantasy series and bad ass world boss too. and there are lot of stuff that waiting for you to discover. for example, you can eavesdrop NPC while they talking and pop up quest will unlocked which you can decide either want to aid or want to stop them.


 another features is  riddle thing quest that push you and your party to cooperate to solve it. well not all the dungeon is tank and spank or slice and dice type, there are also riddle that you have to solve like final fantasy things. it ain't done yet because you can also do life skill like treasure hunt or craft gear ( yay...! i love this one )
or you can find some boss raid and spank !! them, though it would be not that easy considering the difficulty is similar to raid boss on vindictus where you need fire several ballista just to knock him down,

      several dungeons similar to offline RPG, where the boss sometimes will shown up on the way and try to eat you alive, you have to run for it while evading or destroying some obstacle. tired of dungeons ?? don't worry mate just come to tavern and meet other players. there are mini games like card battle or drink battle to compete with other players.

   oh. did i forget to mention the classes?? well some of the classes maybe mediocore, nahh no big deal. while devil hunter is exactly like dante in devil may cry series ( wait wutttt??? )  it deals combo skill by switching pistol to rifle or to shotguns. and there are classes that hasn't revealed yet looks like a character from assassin creed or even kratos from god of war. in trailer there are jobs using robots too !!!!

So s its gameplay like diablo 3, but has open world like final fantasy and the classes like some bad ass hero from other game. its HYPE !!

here some link from youtube