Become a criminal crusader, THE BATTLEFIELD : HARDLINE #REVIEW NO.32
a decision taken to delay this game for Battlefield Hardline released in 2015, from the original plan released last year is a very bold step that we deserve to be a thumbs up against EA publishers. famous as one of the richest publisher certainly makes many people think that they will still throw this product to the market, whatever happens. on the contrary, they deliberately let the game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to be able to dominate a market without having competition at the end of 2014 yesterday. a creator named Visceral Games who is responsible for the development of this series is to request extra time, to be able to ensure Hardline can also be displayed with the best quality, especially from the story line offered.

Battlefield Hardline game is much to offer Visually, and also with a pretty dazzling appearance. indeed Although it can not provide a difference with the visuals are counted more significant with this Battlefield 4 game, but in detail the face and also the lighting that highlighted it feels really better. but if they really want to be able to catch a drama movie sensation that is told from a classic criminal police officer, at least it is the first stage to achieve something of it is done very well. be it animated face motion character and also the voice of a very powerful voice actor that has made the cosmetic side of Battlefield Hardline look very riveting.
then, what is the real thing given by this Battlefield Hardline game? Why I call this one is a Battlefield product that is more or less almost similar to the previous series.

we see the difference from the previous series, Battlefield has always made a military battle between two countries or more as one of the key, Hardline appear very different. It makes the conflict between the Police and the perpetrators of organized Criminal acts as the main story and also makes it a root of the experience to be offered. It also forces a Visceral creator to adapt, as it is hardly at all, from the other Battlefield series storylines that can be used as a reference. and therefore, they are more to Hollywood-style police dramas like Bad Boys or Internal Affairs. If you include gamers who could watch movies like this, then you must already know clearly what can be expected from this Hardline Battlefield.

here you will act as one of the characters named Nick Mendoza he is a clean policeman who is struggling against a narcotics path in their area. he had a colleague assisted by a friend named Detective Carl Stoddard, in the investigation brought Mendoza into a conflict for a more dangerous interest. through the work of the Police located in Miami it was not all what we imagined. With the influence of a drug that has been so strong and rooted, it would be very difficult to be able to tell who is actually someone who can be trusted or not. And yet at a glance we see that, the other two characters of a Asian-blooded Detective woman named Khai and also a unit head named Dawes also look so idealistic and sincere to protect the city of Miami.

and there are some things, you also will never know that the soul as it is hidden in every face you will meet. Mendoza had to learn a fact to get the hard way. he has been tricked by his own friend, now Mendoza is forced to undergo a prison term for a problem that is a crime he does not actually commit. For three years he spent time behind bars, which also witnessed the death of the mother he loved. after the past, it seems he can not keep walking away just like that. of the Three years during the grace period is just the beginning to a new war fought by Mendoza, along with some other related parties he had never predicted.

Battlefield game is not a game of a franchise that can be called powerful in making the game smells of single player mode. and He also always has to obey the rules of a style of story and dramatization given by Call of Duty, which they give will also always offer a very epic, stimulating, and thrilling experience. in this Battlefield game will always always feel more flat and also flat, especially because of a character to be able to give the idea of
a more extreme scenes again due to an extra dramatization, to be able to ensure a more staggering and more realistic war experience. Unfortunately, some of the same things will happen in this Battlefield Hardline game. Despite the plot of the story that has a twist plot here and there, but there are some things in his own presentation is not too interesting. and the impression given that he is very short of something good and still happens here.

Though thus, that does not mean the game in this Hardline series also appeared to mimic the Battlefield series that we've known. from the concept of a battle with scope and also conflict is somewhat smaller among police and also criminals that make Hardline more unique. and Of course, a Visceral can no longer just throw a control plane that is drone, wingsuit, Aircraft Carrier, atom bomb, and also explosions here and there. why is that? it's Because of the likelihood, even it would be contrary to the main point to be offered in this Hardline series. what the heck instead? We will also be dealing with some of the technicalities of this new gameplay, instead it will make Hardline feel better with the Far Cry series, than Battlefield.

This game No longer just shoot and kill blindly, from one corridor to another, by trying to survive the point of destination, this Hardline game also offers a more open world like Crysis or Far Cry. This means, you are not forced to have to pursue a certain flow of motion. with a world that is openly exposed, in a single point the purpose is very clear. and the way you will reach a point, left entirely to you and also. There are so many alternative paths, there are so many solutions, and with all of them with their advantages and disadvantages in each game you can also fight open and show your greatness in using every weapon you have, or you may prefer to play by stealth to reduce the risk even more minimal.

If you see from the design in outline, Battlefield Hardline game is better to recommend you to play in stealth. and still Many new features that are designed specifically to use this style of gameplay. One of the most unique is the freeze system. As one of the policemen, as in the police films you may know, you can show your police badge to the maximum in a group of 3 people and shout out freezes automatically. This will make enemies everywhere will be silent for a period of time, and you can also subdue them in a non-lethal way. Not only to minimize the risk of death because you also have to fight with multiple enemies at once, it also contributes more EXP. of Points that, if accumulated in a certain number of units, will also open with more variants of weapons, and gadgets, as well as an attachment to be used on your next missions.

and Unfortunately, regardless of the uniqueness of the features provided, the problem of the Freeze system will appear as an ongoing problem. On the other hand, he makes different Hardline games, by offering a thicker police atmosphere. But on the other hand, it's just a joke. Why ? Because a Visceral has decided to make sure this feature can be done wherever you are, as long as the enemy does not know the decision you took before, regardless of some of the settings that the maker is offering for the story line. indeed sometimes, this leads to a situation that feels so difficult. As one example, when you guys by showing a badge to an enemy group consisting of 3 fully armed men. How could a small badge with a Frezze shout make three people who can kill you instantly take up arms in a short time, while you are alone and there is no support force guarding you Feels very stupid is not, the answer must be yes. and especially when this is done on a mission that is indeed that you are in the middle and filtering an environment that you can not actually enter.
However this is not also apart from this peculiarity, the stealth feature provided is indeed a gameplay key from single player mode in this Battlefield hardline game. even They embed a new feature that can be seen clearly and easy to adapt from the game classmates like Far Cry 4. By using an existing scanner, you can also tag the enemies and monitor their movements continuously, at least for you can already ensure that you will not lose track of them when playing stealth. in some open areas with a certain level as well and equipped with some alarm system that you can use for other enemies to be able to call an reinforcement. and therefore, any way to destroy this alarm first. this is very sounds like the game Far Cry 4 and already feel very familiar, of course. with a Camera system like Metal Gear Solid game on the radar with distance detail and also an enemy viewpoint is also included in this game.

then what might this mean Battlefield Hardline game can not finish the game Battlefield in the previous series? so if you include a gamer who does not believe in talks for the stealth system and its complexity, you will always have an open option to bring the battle into your enemy's home. The AI
features of the enemy are so weak and sometimes like a shooting target waiting for your bullets and making this process will not have any good consequences. and there are some, you have to be careful when you lose from the side. an enemy AI is not easy to target and shoot, but they are a bit smarter to adapt in certain situations when you will hide behind something. with a Throwing grenade here and there will force you inevitably, you also have to get out.

The only reason why you guys should also play the Stealth system and not go straight ahead is far from your own personal preference, with an EXP. using a non-lethal Takedown system in a stealth way that gives you more EXP points, especially if you manage to capture a very special target that is introduced every time at the beginning of the mission. Finding and also identifying each of these targets as well as doing a takedown to them will make it easier for you to reach a higher level, which means more weapon variants for you to use. Meanwhile, if you kill them directly you will not be any bonus you can get.