Returning To The Outback - FH3

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

The Twelve Apostles

After taking a break from the Outback in Forza Horizon 3, I made my way back to reacquaint myself with my stable of horses and drifting skills. It's good to know that those skills haven't diminished much during my time away. Along with brushing up on my drifting, I was reminded why I loved playing this game so much. The game, to me, is not only about racing but about exploring the world that Turn 10 has laid out for its players.

Silver Sands Shipwrecks

Although the recreation of Australia isn't as big as some other open-world maps, I still find new places that I haven't been and rediscover old ones that make cruising the world just as fun as racing in it. Then you add the online aspect makes car meets in your favorite cars that you might not have the money or time to experience IRL that much greater. The amount of customization that you can do to your car opens up the creative side to even people that may not like to race.


If you go into online free-roam you will find two main places to find the most activity. These places are basically meet up spots for any races or activities you might want to hop into. They are the airport near the Dry Resevoir and The Parking Lot in Surfers Paradise.

The Airport

This will be where you will find the majority of people that like to participate in drag racing. There are other activities that you can set up from here, such as Infected matches. The focus is drag racing mainly because you can race without entering a created game and without outside interference from traffic. Plus, the dunes of the desert near there provide some nice jumps to catch some air.

The Parking Lot

The parking lot at the top of the map in Surfers Paradise is the main spot to find anyone that likes to drift. Which is where you will most likely find me. This is one of the few spots where you can drift, like the airport, without interference from NPC traffic. I use it as a home base to hone my drifting skills or test out new cars that I have built. It also a haven to find others that enjoy getting sideways. It is also a good spot to try and get some tandems going.

I will always go into online free-roam instead of straight into a type of race because if I don't feel like racing, drag or drifting, I can just cruise the map. Which I often do. I may be the only one but I create mini storylines, in my head, to go along with my cruise sessions. I know, I'm weird but it's never boring. I also have a few drift buddies that want to get weekly car meets going so that is another thing that I'll add to the list of things to do when I'm in Australia, virtually.






Here is a small little exhibition of what drifting in the Parking Lot is like. Spoiler, I spin out at the end. :/

As always I welcome any feedback or insights and am always thankful for your UpVotes, Follows and ReSteems.

whotiewho a.k.a. n0_MSG, out!


Too cool, my brother races cars he's got some kind of super fast Subaru that he's always making faster! It's been awhile since I've been racing myself, but whooooo! what a rush! Australia looks so beautiful.

That's awesome! Yeah, it's definitely a rush. When I lived in California, we would always meet at In N Out before we went out to the different race spots. What kind of car would you race? I have never been to Australia IRL but I would love to go someday.