Annoying glitches discovered in Hogwart's legacy
This game has held my interest for a lot longer than I thought it would when I chucked out $20 for it around a week ago. I have no illusion that I am going to 100% this game, in fact I know that I wont be completing all the things you can do because it is just too big.
This game is pretty polished and runs really well on a PS5 but I suppose it is quite normal in a game as huge as this that there are going to be some strange things that happen.

This first glitch that I encountered was annoying and was resolved by simply resetting the PS5. There is a spell that reveals all nearby treasures and potential objectives and when I was in a tight hallway setting it turned my character blue and it wouldn't go back. I exited the area, i shuffled the camera all around, I exited the game and shut the game down and re-entered the game and well, I guess I'm just blue now. Thankfully I saw that this happens to a lot of people online and their first suggestion was the ol' turn it off and turn it back on solution and that worked. I wonder what makes this happen though and why it gets stuck like that? There is no time in the game where you are meant to turn completely blue so this is just bizarre.
The 2nd glitch I found was considerably more annoying. When you get near something important your character will often say aloud a clue that indicates that you need to look around because you are nearby something of importance. In this particular situation I was near a sort of statue that if collected enough of, will enable you to upgrade your lockpicking skills which is one of the most fun aspects of the game... stealing stuff.
Well I could see the statue and my character kept repeating the phrase to tell you it is nearby

They are called Demiguise statues and they are all over the world map. You can cheat and look up their locations online but this game is already easy enough that I don't feel like it is at all necessary to get the internet involved with this game. Anyhoo, I was standing right at this thing, right in front of me, nothing in my way, but it simply wouldn't allow me to interact with it. These statues locations are not indicated in the map in any sort of way so I knew that if I didn't pick it up right now, there was a very good chance I wouldn't end up picking it up at all in the game since there was no good reason for me to return to this area ever again.
Thankfully, this glitch was resolved by my simply fast-traveling out of the area and then fast-traveling back to it. I am presuming that just like in almost all open-world games, using fast travel does a sort of reset on all areas on the map, not just the one you happen to be in. When I returned to this same 2nd story of a house, I was able to pick it up with no issue. WTF?
So this is kind of annoying because what if you were in a dungeon that doesn't have a fast travel option inside of it and yes, this is something that you will regularly encounter. This would mean that you would have to do the entire dungeon over again because unless you loot that dungeon, enemies can get respawned. You can't normally just warp out of a dungeon either, you have to walk out. Now to be fair this hasn't happened to me yet with a key item but there have been many instances where I loot a chest and there is simply nothing inside. I don't think there is meant to actually be nothing inside, something just doesn't work as far as the game's programming is concerned.
Perhaps they put a bit more time into assuring that this doesn't happen with major key items. Perhaps these glitches were pointed out to them and they actually aren't easy fixes and each one has to be addressed individually so to save time and/or money, they only corrected the ones that are truly crucial to the main quest. Who knows? I just know that it is very frustrating when you worked your way towards and item only to be staring at it and completely incapable of interacting with it.

I am nearly 70% done with the main story or at least I think that is what that means, with 22 hours spent playing. However, according to the main screen stats I have only collected 10% of the collectibles and well, there is no chance I am even going to try to accomplish all of those, especially if some of them are going to have a bugged workaround that I must go through in order to get it done.