A cool little cheat I discovered in Hogwart's Legacy

in #gaminglast month

Now to start out I want to say that this game is actually quite easy and there isn't really much reason to cheat ever but somethings are just a bit more tedious than they need to be such as the discovery of beast locations that are just "somewhere" on the map. A big part of the game is collecting pets or beasts to keep in your "zoo" of sorts and if you are nice to them and feed them and pet them, they will give you items that are instrumental in upgrading items and making potions. The tedium begins when you are looking at the various items that are necessary for upgrading something and don't recognize one particular item.


So you have a bunch of stuff and then all of a sudden you need something like a Fwooper Feather or as was the case with me unicorn fur or whatever they hell it is that they give you.

The map is absolutely huge and the beast locations are visible on the map but some are not. I might be doing something wrong here but even places that I have been physically standing at the location at the time still doesn't show up on the map later on. This can be really frustrating to find a particular pet or beast because it is completely unreasonable to expect someone to walk the entire map on foot in the search of some particular beast or item.


The beast location icon is just a paw. Simple enough right? Well they aren't revealed until you do SOMEHTING to make them stay on your map. I don't know if this means that you have to actually catch a beast there or what, but it isn't on your map at all until you do something that I cannot figure out. So when I was looking for unicorns it was kind of an exercise in flying around all over the place until I eventually got frustrated and then just gave up on the search.

But then, one day, completely by accident I was in the quest menu looking at my next objective and noticed that by selecting "show location on map" it brings up the path and location of your next objective.


This image is from Xbox, which I do not know, but the idea is the same. If you click on any quest and look down to the bottom right for whatever it is that you have to hit in order to "show location on map" it will bring up a map that functions very different than your regular map. On the "show location on map" option, it will reveal EVERYTHING on the map to some degree outside of the area in the south east that isn't unlocked until much later in the game.

On this version of the map it will show you beast locations and a all other sorts of locations that otherwise would be hidden from your view until you accidentally stumble upon them. Then you can set a custom marker near that beast location and when you return to the regular action portion of the game it will have a marker guiding you to the approximate location of whatever it is that you are looking for. This doesn't mean that it is going to take you to exactly the unicorn den (if that is what you are searching for) but it does save you a whole lot of time dicking around to try to accidentally stumble upon something as remote as the one and only Unicorn den that exist in the entire game.

I now have 2 unicorns because of this tactic and am unlocking higher level upgrades for my gear as a consequence.

so in summary to find anything on the map that you are looking for that hasn't yet been revealed in your normal map interface take these steps.

  • Open you quest menu
  • select ANY quest and then press the button to "show location on map"
  • navigate anywhere you want on the now opened map and place a pin near something you haven't yet revealed on your regular map
  • fly there and check it out

This has changed a lot of things for me and makes my tedium of randomly coming across something I am looking for a lot less likely to happen


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