How To Deal With Dc And Early Quitters In Ranked Matches
If you have ever played a ranked match in games like COD or a moba sometimes people leave early. Or they get kicked out of the game. It happens. In games like COD (depending on the mode), it might no be that bad and you can still pull out a win. But in mobas it is near impossible when you are down a player. This leaves the match to be one-sided and an easy win for the other team.
Now that leaderboards, esports and cryptocurrency are a part of gaming, ranked matches need to be more fair. You can have team only gameplay but it will limit the online experience. My suggestion is to put the player on the opposite team, the one with the lowest score, and put him in spectator mode. If the player comes back so does that player. And if the team with a player in spectator mode loses then that player loses half of the ranked points.
It is not ideal but better than it is now with leaving an uneven match.
What do you think?
It is not very ideal but it makes the game more equitable, for example when I played at battlefield 3 they put me in teams that were losing and the people who were on the team changed to the other.
I have got to accept it in time, people sometimes leave or rage quit, and they should be punished, if you aren't playing ranked I think it shouldn't be a big deal of it, one left too bad just give up at the earliest possible since that disadvantage can't be in the majority of the time overcome.
If you are playing ranked then it changes everything since you are losing ELO and in some cases, if cryptocurrencies get into the games you will start losing money or stop earning it, just because someone decided to quit or not play.
There is no cut clear solution to this problem, and you present an intriguing one, but I think it wouldn't be fair to the player that gets pushed to the side just because someone decided to leave.
My position would be if someone DC then, first punish him hard, like demoted or don't let them play ranked for a week or something harsh.
Second, let the team chose to surrender or keep playing, if they surrender then let it be so they don't lose Elo nor anything just like nothing had happened if they don't give them an incentive, double the reward of the manage to win and half the loses if they lose.
Whatever is the best solution this has to be taken care of since, it is a problem. Thanks for posting.
The problem is when you get punished for a dc that is not your fault.
I like the surrender idea, maybe they can lose less points the earlier they do it.
i am a gaming lover. i love playing on pc
your post is really great
Gaming is my passion.I've been playing games on pc from the very childhood.we are gamers we don't die we respawn also we work hard and play hard
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Really great article
The games have become very sophisticated in the meantime
I think that is much better than the idea I had.
I was thinking along the lines of aa small but helpful buff that is enabled when you are down a man. Your towers or whatever needs to be taken out now have some slight life increase or the other teams defenses are lightly weakened. It has some balancing issues with this way as you don’ want to make it a normal way to play to lose one player to have a huge advantage over the other team.
As far as putting them in your idea into spectator mode I think that be great if they can have similar ranked or role type be the one having to sit out and wait. If a tank goes offline than I would hope a tank on the other team would be put into spectator mode. That way you try and keep things as balanced as possible.
Still no matter what people will try and find a way to exploit it. They could have a puppet account be in their team with lowest ranking possible to devalue their overall score and then just drop it at start of the match taking out a key member of the other team. In which case I hope the system has some kind of monitoring that will catch nonsense like that and just ban people.
I think there should be a reputational system that calculates how many games you play out or have network issues with. They will match similar users in lobbies and if they become too low, they cannot participate without waiting a certain cooldown period.