Here are 3 Advantages Of Older Video Games Over New Ones

in #gaming7 years ago

Now I want to start by saying I am not one of those people who goes on and on about older games and doesn't play new titles. I know we have gone a long way in the gaming world and I cannot deny how awesome games are today. We have multiplayer were we can players at anytime and games that are so deep it is a part-time job just to get to past the tutorial. I spend my gaming time on newer titles but I do like the classics once in awhile. There is something about an old NES title that keeps you coming back to it or a 16-bit rpg that can take hours of your time. So here are three reasons why old school games are better than new AAA titles.


Okay I am taking multiplayer out of this one cause you can always find a good player online. And yeah there are new titles that are made to be hard. But on average,games were more challenging back in the 2D days. Why? Because a game that was less than an hour to beat had to be worth the 60-70 price tag. In order to accomplish this you had to have a game where players needed to play it a few times before they could see the ending screen. Even the original Mario game is pretty hard. Have you beat it without warps? Or Mario 3 without a flute? It is a feat.


I like the complexity of new games and how some utilize all 12 plus buttons a control (including the d-pad). But sometimes getting into a new game is a mission. There are tutorials that seem like you need a course to complete them. And cut-scenes that can go on for days. When you popped in a Nintendo cartridge you usually got a title and then you started a game. And there was no question of what to do, just move right. Maybe you have to jump over something. They were a lot easier to both get into and even now are nice when you just want something to pick up and play.


Yes! I know I am not the only one with found memories of couch co-op. Maybe it was Street Fighter 2 or Mario Party. Or a match of Goldeneye 64. Yeah there was screen peaking but it was so much fun to be seating with a group of friends and playing a game. In my opinion there could have been more co-operative games like side-scrolling beat'em ups but either way it was fun. I remember having epic matches of Tetris Attack with one of my closest friends. Sure you can't beat finding good players online any time of the day but I do miss that personal touch.

Any more you want to add to the list?


Honestly. I agree with the average difficulty of games now.
When you saw someone with a little of experience in a game you saw the skill they acquired through practice, it was interesting seeing someone play.
Now it's more of smashing buttons or doing simple tasks in the game, it may take time but surely not much skill. Maybe this is why I enjoy seeing those extreme players in Mario maker.

Just imagine a game with the graphics and ambient of a modern triple A game mixed with some challenging gameplay that makes your hands burn (a little extreme but I am no critic, just someone who sits on a chair all day).

Yes, exactly! I used to love the difficulties of the older games. It took so much time to get good at a game and sometimes months to even finish it. Asking friends for advice or help to get through a certain part... Ahh, good memories. I really miss the couch co-op times. It was the most fun thing to play with a friend or even two in the same room.

I agree with the couch co-op. Online multilpayer has become so common that most game developers don't even integrate this co-op mode anymore. Beat'em ups like DBZ or also racing games were games which I particularly loved playing with friends and it never got boring. I also agree with the "more challenging". I used to play Pokemon quite a lot, but over the years they leveled down the in-game opponents to "make it easier for young players". But when I was young the challenging level of opponents was exactly what I loved.

I loved the games of back in the day. Mario and Luigi was a classic. Then came "contra" . Then "sonic the hedgehog". Then came "Pokémon". Then came "the lion king". Then came "Street fighter". Those days were so fun! Thanks for the great work posted here and reminding us. Your so good.

And checkpoints every 10 seconds :p

Lmao,I live for those moments. Imagine if a game like Skyrim had no checkpoints=_=

Yes, there have been quite some games where the non-existence of them deleted hours of my playing...but on the other hand, the overabundance of them nowadays takes away the effort of developing a special strategy. On top of that, people will look up for the solution when they find themselves in a dead end. So back then there were games where there neither were as many checkpoints, making for the necessity of developing a strategy AND there was no internet where you could look up the solution. Both points I miss as well.

Witcher 3 had this 'insane mode' which did not allow you to die once, otherwise game over for good. You have to have strong nerves doing so. I mean, let's say you highly anticipate continuing the story and suddeny you die. Of course, those who chose that mode are aware of their decision and probably ok with that. Or finished the game once already.

love you :mario

Nice post follow thank you vote and follow you.

I agree completely. When we were young, games were more challenging. So what does that mean? Are kids not smart enough these days? I honestly don't get it. A big part of the fun in playing those games was figuring out a way to overcome the obstacles that the game threw at us. I'm not saying that every game has to be Demon/Dark Souls difficult, but not something that'll take a few hours to complete... and maybe that's it.

If you finish games quickly you'll need a new game to play. And companies that put out yearly installments of their games reap the benefits! You finished one game and now you have to buy the new one if you want more.

be creative, be adaptable..... excellent post !! Congratulations

I also think that most games leave out co-op mode is also because more players would rather have multiplayer. It seems it is part of the evolution of gaming now. I grew up with all these classics and yet I would not buy a game if it was just co-op. Crazy how things have changed.

@whatageek, you forgot to mention that back in the day there were no youtube tutorials or google searches for game hacks.

Oh yeah you needed to converse with your friends

i like battletank before so simple, and i love playing LOL today, but the more modern the games are the more the stress level increases.

Yeah, I have got something. I know that is not 16-bit game but Counter Strike 1.6 was my childhood and that was the best game ever for playing with my friends. We used to connect a network hub with lan cables 20 meters long (65 feet) between dorm rooms and play two on two and that would be super awesome. The amount of emotion and adrenaline was peaking when we were winning.

I wish we could do that again some time :)) not sure if that would be possible, but that would be something special.

There were good games. NES, SNES, C64, AMIGA.

Good old days. The only multiplayer was when you played with friend next to you.

Roguelikes are still great today

We can keep the love of the classic games going. Some of my best bonding memories with my daughter were playing Sonic the Hedgehog just recently. Taking the device away (which we're finding out is terrible for kids anyway) and putting a controller in her hand was a great decision for sure.

I hope classic games will continue on with time. But I fear all of these good titles will eventually just vanish and the new generation will never get to experience them. Worst yet with all the new advances in technology I am not even sure they would want to. I mean who wouldn't want to play Earth Worm Jim!!

Earthworm Jim is great. My kids loved it, cracked them up.

Well, everything has its advantages. What you said its all true, and then there came the times where each genre was almost fixated on doing the same stuff, with very little innovation taking place, they just changed the story. Just look at all those Call of Duty clones for example. But then, something beautiful happened: the independent gaming industry took relevance and that was a fresh air of ideas that invaded the industry. Just look at the steam shop nowadays, there are tons of indie games. Granted, some are shit, but there are a lot of original, imaginative games that break the rules and innovate on their own genre.

I believe that 2017-2018 is the new golden age of gaming and will be remembered as such when more time passes...

Although my upvote is small I am happy to share it with you.