COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: What Video Game Console Is The Best?
Hey everyone,
In the coming months communities are coming out and I want to make one for gamers. Why should people go to Reddit to discuss patch notes and updates. This should be the place for FAQs, meta changes and that time you were winner, winner, chicken dinner. From retro to modern I want to help build a place for all gamers to gather and share their geekiness in an inclusive environment.
But today we have an important debate to settle. What is the best video game console? There are no limits, you can pick anything released from Nintendo to mobile. I will even let you have PC but if you choose that one you need to pick a 4 year span (or just name a year roughly) so its fair and the game has to be PC exclusive. Oh and no backwards compatibility. In the comments type in the system and the name of at least one game that makes you feel pushed the system to the top. I'll be on for the next hour or so responding to each.
And this is not just for steemit people. Please tweet this link, we want as many people involved as we can. New users, old users, if you have played a game, leave a comment.
When this question is brought up there are usually three that come to the top. And I can see why.
Super Nintendo:
If you are a fan of 2D gaming this was the console for you. First there was Super Mario World a game both deep and accessible. Then you have Donkey Kong Country 1-3, the Mega Man X series, Kirby and a variety of side-scrollers to keep any gamer busy. You also had some of the best RPGs that were every made. There was Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 3, Secret Of Evermore and Super Mario RPG. This was the system that brought you Star Fox and Mario Kart. And the first time you could play arcade games at home, even if they were not exactly the same quality. This was everything the Nintendo was but improved upon and it has some of the best classics in gaming history.
Nintendo 64:
Four player couch co-op. Yeah Super Nintendo had an attachment but who had a friend who had that? This was the console for socializing. You could sit with a group of friends and play Mario Kart 64 all day or play Goldeneye 64 and get mad when your friend screen sniped you. Goldeneye 64 is considered one of the best shooters of all time and although it didn't age too well it was ground-breaking at the time. You had more adult games like Conkers Bad Fur Day, the first step into 3D for Mario in Super Mario 64 and obscure titles like Pilotwings 64 that were a lot of fun. And who hasn't spent hours playing Mario Party? Maybe it didn't have the catalogue as other systems but the multiplayer was some of the greatest offline experiences there was.
Playstation 2:
Playstation 2 had games. A LOT of them. We are talking pass the 1,500 mark. So if variety is your thing this was the console for you. You might not have titles pop into your head when you think of ps2 but there are a lot of classics. You have one of the best survival horror games ever made Silent Hill 2, a game that can be considered art with the depth of its story. You have Metal Gear Solid 2, Resident Evil 4 (one of the best in the series), GTA 3, FF X. There was the team Ico's classic Shadow of the Colossus, a must play game and of course Ico. You had realistic sports games like Madden and FIFA. This was the console that had it all even if it didn't have the title names that Nintendo had.
But you don't need to pick any of these. Maybe you had some great memories with a NEO GEO or a Virtual Boy. Add what you want. And if someone mentions a game you like respond, I want a fun environment here.
@ned and @andrarchy I know you guys had to game at some point.
And I will be updating this comments goal as we go.
Let's get over 200 comments - CHECK
Let's make it to 500
Although the original NES will always have a very dear place in my heart, as it truly paved the way for gaming...I'd have to go with the SNES.
Hey @jonny-clearwater, glad you joined in.
You're right about the NES, it made home gaming what it is today.
It saved the console industry and took game design to a level never seen before
Don't even make me get into the restrictions they smashed through on the coding side of things...and showed the world the capabilities of assembly language
You post inspired me, so I looked back at my time growing up with games. I thought you might get a kick out of it.
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I loved the N64 - Mario, Zelda, Mario Karts, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark took hours of my life.
But the console I loved that doesn’t get much Press was the Dreamcast. Metropolis Street Racer, Shenmue, Soul Calibur, Jet Set Radio and Chu Chu Rocket were all great fun.
Shenmue was great. And Perfect Dark was as good as Goldeneye.
My uncle used to play the game in our house and I am his audience. Because I cannot play Rockman 5 all the way to the last stage. We have a brandnew Family com bought in Japan back then. And almost all my neighbors are visiting my place just to play the games. The memory flashback to me because of your post @whatageek thanks
SNES for Chrono Triggers and Secret of Mana
I was going to put a comment myself and it would have said Chrono Trigger SNES.
You are all wrong. The N Gage was the best. I win.
Check, any games in particular?
Read death redemption😍
persona 5 and nier: automota are both pretty great rpg. Infamous : second son and borderlands are also very enjoyable.
I think that "The Last Guardian" is one of the best games out there.
Go for the Collector's Edition, if you can. That's includes a premium statue, a premium Steelbook game case + Blu-ray game disc, 72-page art book, Digital soundtrack (10 songs), Sticker sheet.
There is a "companion book", which is not included in the Collector's Edition. The title of the book is "The Last Guardian: An Extraordinary Story".
The "Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End" is also a good game in my opinion.
I didn't played any of these games. I currently do not have a PS4 (and I never had so far).
I just watched videos about the games and I made my opinion based on the videos.
I did not read all the comments, but maybe you didn't see this plagiarism of your article :
(not a scam, check the https://).
Sorry if you had already benn warned.
Thanks for letting me know but they won't be making any money from it.
I know, but it's for the principle. I hate this kind of behaviour.
For me, it would be the first playstation, particularly for Final Fantasy 7! Thanks for the nostalgia!
I lost so many hours on that game... Then there was FF8.
Another great! I would say a good couple years of my gaming was donated to those characters!
I prefer FF8 over FF7.
Fite me.
Absolutely! I still to this day remember the grinding trying to beat the weapons! Or trying to get 7777 health.
Did you end up beating them, I remember grinding to take down Emerald.
I think I did all the weapons besides Emerald. Hours and hours spent on chocobo training, ruby weapon was such a good goal to get too.
Yup I agree. I recently played FF7 and 8 [I am making my way through all of the FF games] and I am excited to begin FF9 tomorrow as I just beat Dead Space 2 for the first time!