24 HOUR CONTEST! Best Co-op Video Game?
Back in my day we used to play games in the same room as each other :p. Competitive gaming is a lot of fun but there is something about teaming up with friends for a common goal that is a unique experience. For this contest let me know your favorite co-op game. It can be old or new but it has to be you on the same team as your friends. No team competitions for this one either.
I am going to pick left 4 dead, that game was great. I hope they make a 3rd one.
Same rules, a bunch of upvotes as prizes.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
I used to love playing this game with my brother on the Megadrive also used to love playing WCW vs NWO with a group of friends on the N64 one of the greatest wrestling games of all time. Not your usual games people would think of, I don't think, but a couple of my favourites.
Winner for wcw for N64. That game was so much fun.
Phantasy Star Online for insanely long and chill co-op play sessions. Your friends could bring their own solo characters over with a gamecube memory card and load into your game as you embark on an action RPG hack and slash adventure with real time combat. Add in bosses, quests, rare item collecting, and PVP mode and you were in for a fun night!
Nice! Glad we have similar taste.
Hmmm... I don't usually play Co-op games, and even as a child we played competitive games more than co-op ones. But one game that I believe had a co-op mode is Metal Slug X
WINNER. Metal Slug is so much fun.
Thanks :)
Swords and armor is my hobby: Warhammer: Vermintide 2
I am going to have to say Destiny as it combined so many elements of different games and was a true online console game with awesome team experiences like their Raids.
Posted using Partiko iOS
The original Halo was a blast to play co-op.
Fifa 04
IDK, as a child I didn't play many co-op games/gamemodes.
I Used to play minecraft ;D and the only co-op things I did there was teaming up in hunger games, or building a faction base together with friends.
But currently I really love playing Don't Starve Together
It is a really fun game, it's all about surviving, in an evironment that is trying to kill you all the time :D
I am going to go way back in time. I played so much Co-op Doom 2, both over my 28800 baud modem or a serial cable connection locally. We played through the main game and then downloaded a ton of "wads" (custom made levels) as I believed they were called. We'd have to negotiate with our parents so we could hog the phone line and play. One really had to work for their co-op action back then. I had so much fun playing that game.
Counter Strike and call of duty 5? (the one with the zombies)
Also i really enjoyed playing with friends the strategy series of Lord Of The Rings