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RE: I will not ever "git gud" at videogames again

in #gaming11 days ago

I'm on exactly the same page as you. I'd be playing RDR2 as we speak if I wasn't afraid of booting it up and seeing how many of the controls I can remember! I made good progress on Batman Arkham City after a few days playing and I can't load that up now because I can't remember what any of the buttons do.

I think that's why retro consoles are so popular. The Master System only has 2 buttons. Mega Drive - 3. It's probably also why Nintendo consoles are forever popular despite not having the best graphics in whatever generation's console war (although the N64 and GameCube controller might be an exception here!)

I watched a YouTube video yesterday about somebody replaying Cannon Fodder on the Amiga in 2024/25. Left mouse button - soldiers move. Right mouse button - soldiers shoot. Both mouse buttons - soldiers shoot big weapon. He still absolutely loved the game. That should send a message to modern game makers which force you to pause the game every 2 minutes to remind yourself what each button does.

Or maybe we're just getting old and senile.


I'd be playing RDR2 as we speak if I wasn't afraid of booting it up and seeing how many of the controls I can remember!

This is something that has stood in my way of continuing any game that I am playing in modern times. I look at my list of installed games and think "nah, that's gonna be frustrating to try to remember" and then eventually delete it from the local files. I later will return out of boredom and try again but it ends up being the same every time.

Cannon Fodder was one of the only good games on the Atari Jaguar and I was one of the few people that actually bought that system. I remember how simplistic and awesome that game was.

Oh and I left the Arkham game for exactly the same reason as you. The huge problem with a lot of these games is that I will decide to "call it a day" at a particularly difficult part of the game, which is the WORST place you can call it a day. This almost always results in me never playing the game again.

I ended up playing RDR2 after sending you this and whilst I quite enjoyed it, I really didn't have a clue what I was supposed to do. I'm sure there are supposed to be missions but all I could work out was how to get on my horse and go for a ride. Eventually, getting bored and just shooting random people. I also died a lot. If this wasn't ranked #1 as the all-time best PS4 game, I'm not sure how much time I'd dedicate to it.

Cannon Fodder was one of the only good games on the Atari Jaguar

Were you able to play it with a mouse? This was always one of those games for me where a mouse felt essential.

I will decide to "call it a day" at a particularly difficult part of the game

Ha ha! Yes! Absolutely! And by the time you return, it's not just a difficult part of the game, it's impossible because you end up jumping when you want to punch or some other ridiculous control you've forgotten!

I played Cannon Fodder on the awful Atari Jaguar controller that was the size of most consoles these days. Man what a disaster that console was.

I can't see myself really ever getting involved in a game that utilizes the entire controller ever again honestly. That's all fun and games for a teenager with no life responsibilities but I actually have quite a few, and you mentioned you have kids so you probably have even less time to devote to that sort of thing.

I do recall running around without much direction in RDR2 in the past and that was reasonably entertaining I guess. It is a beautiful game after all.

I played Cannon Fodder on the awful Atari Jaguar controller that was the size of most consoles these days. Man what a disaster that console was.

Were you able to complete it? That must have been extremely difficult to control!

I can't see myself really ever getting involved in a game that utilizes the entire controller ever again honestly.

Exactly! Although... it's probably easier than memorizing every special move on Mortal Kombat / Street Fighter II which I'm sure we both did as kids! Many of which, I have little doubt that we still know 🙂

I do recall running around without much direction in RDR2 in the past and that was reasonably entertaining I guess. It is a beautiful game after all.

Yes - it's truly beautiful. Although I found some of it frustrating. After murdering a farmer, and dumping his body in his house, my character was tired. But there was no way for me to settle down for a peaceful sleep in my victim's bed. Instead, I had to set up camp somewhere... which I couldn't do because there was always too much activity nearby. There was probably a tutorial or moment in the game where I should have learnt what to do... but I didn't. So just got killed in a gun fight instead.

the one thing I remember that frustrated me at the start of RDR2 was the lack of fast travel initially. There is this one scene where you go and get ourtrageously drunk at the saloon with your friend and get into a fight. The cut-scene is actually brilliant but then you wake up on the side of the road and you have no choice but to walk all the way back to your camp. I suppose that was intentional on their part to let you know how vast this area was and how you need to stick with your horse or face consequences, but I nearly quit at that point. Plus those long stretches of leaving your horse on autopilot because fast travel wasn't available.

I get that they were going for a creative thing here but I didn't like it.

I really didn't make it that far in the game. Just as far as needing to do something to the railroads in the main story. Then, as we have discussed a bunch already, I stopped playing for a while and returned and didn't know how to do anything other than walk. :)

I never finished that Atari Jaguar game, no. Since I never knew the mouse commands I had nothing to complain about. Other PC games that appear on consoles, such as any RTS game like Age of Empires, Starcraft and what not, are just horrible on any console though, no matter how much they try to make it user friendly on any console.

There is this one scene where you go and get ourtrageously drunk at the saloon with your friend and get into a fight.

I've somehow managed to avoid this part of the game! But I know what you're saying. When I loaded it up after a while, I wandered out of the camp without my horse... slow in quite the understatement!

by the way, I had been trying to reply to this for over a day but network issues resulted in the never ending spinning ball of doom.

Ah, that was probably me. I was fixing something with communities that broke posts which weren't in one. So I had to fix what I broke. It should all be good now though 🙂