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RE: Is Piracy a Crime?

in #gaming7 years ago

Valve would need to make its own thing or they would go out of buisness me thinks. I heard that some gaming companies are studying a way to get crypto from gaming. Soon for the first time in history you could make a living from playing games casually. My favorite game is smash melee because of the speed and how different everyone plays. You also need nes like reaction timing to pull off things in the game. Im sorry your not happy with the new ones.


I do like the newer ones, its just that I felt MW2 was a masterpiece and still wish they would just release new maps for it. No other version quite kept you on the edge of your seat the way MW2 did. It felt the most realistic.

I don't think I have ever played smash melee. Street Fighter 2 is also at the top of my list. I'm an old school gamer I guess.

Yeah, I think it would be awesome if you could be rewarded for playing games!