Who needs high end graphics if you can play a game like this
Hello good people,
today I wanna show you a game that some might have missed. It is a game that is not based on the latest and greatest 3D enigne. It is a game that excels at different skills. the game I'm talking about is Stardew Valley.

Image Source: here
1. What game is this?
Stardew valley is a 2D game. Obviously :) It is aimed for solo gaming and has no multi player. It is a game about buildiung a farm. One objective, beside many others, is to plant fruits, vegetables and do all the other stuff that you do on a farm. If you have ever played Harvest Moon on the gameboy oder (S)NES you know what these games are. The strange thing is that since Harvest Moon there was no other popular game in this genre. Until Stardew Valley.
2. Basic plot (Without spoiler!)
You are a guy from the city. A guy with a boring job at an office. At some day you inherit a farm from your grandfather and you decide to take the risk as a farmer. Coming onto the farm you recognize that the farm is in a bad shape and YOU have to build it up and bring the farm to a new start.
3. Why is this game special
In my opinion it is special because of two reasom.
- The frist beeing it'*s story and the interaction with the npc. Just from the start you will regognize who much effort the dev. (yes it is basically one dev) has put into the npc, the scripting the writing and all the other stuff. Sometimes you even feel that the npcs are real. You rarely see this, even in our all beloved AAA titles that we buy for a lot of money.
- The second thing is the addiction.Improving your farm, seeing it growing and you gaining new items, more area to plant things and so on... It takes some time. Don't expect to get addicted from the start. Back in the days I was used to this type opf games. But after playing year after year only AAA titles... It is different. You have to give it time.
These to reasons make this game special in my opinion but also...
4. When to play this game?
This game is relaxing. OMG. If you are exhausted, especially after a hard day at work.. you don't want to play a game that is fueled with action. This game with bring you down. It is a bliss to just go there explore, plant smth, and chill while watching your farm grow.
At fist I thought this game is good for a few minutes between some serious AAA gaming sessions... But it is more. As mentioned above.. You can get addicted to it and forget your AAA titles.
Conlusion: I liked that game. It was some fresh air in the all so crowded shooter action. It also remembered me of the old days where games where very different. Have you played Stardew Valley? Did you like it? If you are a young gamer? Have you ever played a full 2d game? Comment and I really appreciate a resteem.
Like your game. Thank you for shearing
You want a auto-cad employee, this is very deep skill and create games design and developer. You try then will be found a designer skillful man.
Literally got this on the steam summer sale and haven't had a chance to play it yet!! Glad to see you find it great can't wait to start it now haha
I like toast 🍞
Huh, I've never heard of this titles before, but I'm a big Harvest Moon fan. Maybe I'll check it out. You keep mentioning AAA titles - what does that mean?
AAA titles are the blockbusters among the video games. The ones with huge companies behind them. LArge dev pool and much much money involved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AAA_(video_game_industry)