Rising Star Tips - Rare Band Members
There are many band members in Rising Star, so let's take a look at some of the earliest band members added to the game.
Clearly based on the 1970s punk movement, this 'Classic Punk' is rocking a leather jacket and outlandish hairstyle! The Classic Punk gives 100 fans, 5 luck, 50 skill and 5 IM.
The 'Metal Drummer' has the classic metal get-up: long hair and sleeveless top. He gives 150 fans, 3 luck, 100 skill and 2 IM.
The Mod movement began in London in the 1960s, and were called such because they listen to Modern Jazz, instead of rock. This card shows common aspects of Mod culture, such as scooters and the Royal Air Force symbol! The Mod gives 75 fans, 8 luck, 100 skill and 3 IM.
Lastly, we have the 'Female Rapper', who dons a cool golden star, very fitting for Rising Star! She gives 50 fans, 4 luck, 200 kill and 3 IM.
Band members are used in the County Tour zone and they also allow you to assign instruments to them to create your own music!