Video games that deserve the movie treatmentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming8 years ago


We all know how this normally turns out. I addressed it in my prior post from last Friday about why movies based on video games suck, but all that aside I thought it would be fun to talk about games that could translate really well into film if done correctly. I'll avoid games like Call of Duty or Red Dead Redemption, which don' t have enough unique personality to avoid turning into simple genre films.


A game with a hardcore fanbase and rich lore, Metroid could be an amazing film. Not only does it suit the recent trend of female empowerment in action movies, its action, cool tech and amazing creatures could make an amazing film.

Ideal director: Ridley Scott
Few people can craft a sci-fi film like him.

Devil May Cry/Bayonetta

These kind of both fit into the same category, so I'll treat them as one. These games have a similar style and play very similarly, though I think the gothic nature of DMC would be easier to bring to screen, and it would avoid the controversies that would spring up around the oversexualized Bayonetta. DMC also has a deeper and much less confusing lore than Bayonetta's messy story about the Umbra Witches. Both have had anime adaptations already, so this is totally doable.

Ideal director: Robert Rodriguez
With films like Desperado and Sin City under his belt, he has an amazing flair for heavily stylized and over-the-top material.


I absolutely adore Bioshock. The fantasic underwater city of Rapture, saturated in beautiful neon and amazing art deco architecture, would be amazing to see brought to life on the big screen. In fact, it was in pre-production a few years ago with Gore Verbinski set to direct, but sadly the project was eventually cancelled. There is a very deep universe they built in the underwater city of Rapture, and there are complex social and political themes that could be explored with a solid script.

Ideal director: Gore Verbinski
I'm going to say he was a great choice for this project. With beautiful and haunting films like The Ring and A Cure For Wellness in his portfolio, he has a wonderful grasp on this type of material.


Vaults, super mutants, Nuka Cola...Fallout takes place in a surprisingly vibrant world considering the post-apocalyptic setting. I'm going to shift gears here and propose Fallout as a TV series rather than a film. Its just too big to condense down into a 2 hour movie. The universe of Fallout is amazing, with a real lived-in feeling. Its gritty, dark, funny, sad and full of great stories. An adaption of an existing game could be done, or something new based on the existing lore would be OK too.

Ideal director: David Fincher
Fincher has an amazing grasp of dark material and could do amazing things with Fallout. Netflix, get on this!


What do you think? What game franchises could be turned into movies and actually turn out good? Let’s discuss!

As always, upvotes, resteems and comments are appreciated!


Fallout is such a great game, spent over 200 hours playing it. Would love to be able to watch a movie or tv series if it existed.

Yeah, I put 150 hours into Fallout 3. It was the only thing I played for six months, with 3 playthroughs with drastically different character builds.

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Bioshock has a very interesting Story . With all them Charachters and the Environment. Especially Bioshock Infinite. I played Bioshock 1-2 and 3. This could be a very nice Movie. But its not easy to put all them Elements into a Movie.

BioShock is my favorite game of all time, especially BioShock Infinite. I do wanted to know how it would be as a movie. I don't know much about Gore Verbinski, but until there is a movie director who is beyond legend, I don't think I want to see my favorite game as a movie.
Anyway, great post!

Honorable mention, Overwatch?

Its very popular, but I don't have a console or PC that can run it, so I'm really not familiar with the story or world of Overwatch.