New MLS(PA) Game

As other sports and community based projects are doing, it will likely be a NFT project but given the experience the development team have, a game could be another interesting prospect. Until now, other sports have run NFT projects but the game aspect is really only around the flipping economy or for collectionists from what I have seen so far. Some have gotten quite a bit of attention but have also been on the larger Blockchains.
This is will an interesting experiment for the HIVE blockchain as well. It will be encouraging to see how the benefits of our Blockchain can come to light with the project as other sports related projects have been using more GAS fees on traditional Blockchains. Our free use approach as well as three second blocks could be a way to gather more users over the long term. The value creation ability of the Blockchain could be the building blocks for many projects like these.
It will also be interesting to see how the Splinterlands community engages with the project. While they are fairly committed to the development team, it is definitely a different genre and aspect given the trading card aspect and sports on the other side. While I am a hardcore collector of the current game and have been encouraged about this partnership, I am left wondering how I will approach it all. I feel that the developers have a great business model and have demonstrated their dedication to the community in order to add value to their assets first; so it could be worth a try to building something more and diversifying even more.
The fact that they are setting a roadmap to also include more sports and games is an encouraging sign of the HIVE Blockchain mostly. However, it also could present the strength of communities as it is all about how engage users will be with the concepts presented. If the MLS community that seems to focus on the entertainment aspect start to find their way to the Blockchain thanks to the innovative approach the developers have taken to make a seamless integration, we could be in store for quite a ride as the integrations across the ecosystem can be interesting!

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