Information Overview: PlayStation - Game Gratis Bulan Januari 2018 🤗 [ENG-IND]

Happy news for PlayStation console gamer who actively subscribe to service PSN, because at the beginning of this year 2018, precisely this January, the players who subscribe to PSN can download some games for free on PS Plus, these free games available for PS 3, PS 4 and PS Vita consoles.
PS Plus is not the first time to give this free gaming event to the customer on-line service from the Sony, because in December 2017 ago some games are also free as games Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition and Kung Fu Panda: Shodown of Legendary Legends can also be downloaded for free by PSN service customers.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divide is one of the free games by PS Plus. In this game Adam Jensen again present as the protagonist continued the previous game is Deus Ex: Huan Revelution. In this new series Adam Jensen is required to face a terrorist group and you can play like a detective, as a killer, or a combination of both.
The Telltele Batman series has also become one of the games depicted by PS Plus this January, the uniqueness of this game is that although its character comes from DC Comic, but the story given in this game is not tied to the adaptation of comics, movies or games that already exist, the players can choose the role they want if they become a Batman or a billionaire named Bruce Wayne, the choices you take will have different consequences.
There are 8 games that PlayStation is free in addition to the above two, be it for the PS 3, PS 4, and PS Vita console, and the complete list of PS Plus drugged in January 2018:
PlayStation 4
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- Batman: The Telltale Series
- StarBlood Arena (PS VR required)
- Uncanny Valley (Vita Cross-Buy)
- That's You (Europe Only)
PlayStation 3
- Sacred 3
- Book of Unwritten Tales 21
PlayStation Vita
- Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
And that's the games that are free in January 2018, is there a game you are waiting for? if any write in comment field 😘
source : GAMEBROTT
😵 Missed Post @mydream? Here is a list of postings list in gaming channel @mydream hopefully useful:
🎮 Game Review: Detroit Become Human - Robot Will Replace Humans !! 🤖 [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 5 Game That Should Not Be Created !! 😱 [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 5 Sophisticated Games That Will Override Gamers If Playing A Game Of Plowing Versions !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 Intermezzo: Thank You Steemit For This New SmartPhone [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 5 Realistic Sniper Game Tests Your Accuracy !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 Game Review: Days Gone - Game Horror Survival of 2018 !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 5 The Most Powerful Game Creators In The Game World !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 8 Controversial Game During 2017 !! [ENG-IND]
Please Follow @mydream for the latest Tips-Trick and game information
see you in the next post

Berita bahagia bagi para gamer konsol PlayStation yang aktif berlangganan layan PSN, karena pada awal tahun 2018 ini, tepatnya pada bulan Januari ini, para player yang berlangganan PSN dapat mengunduh beberapa game secara gratis pada PS Plus, game-game gratis ini tersedia untuk konsol PS 3, PS 4 dan juga PS Vita.
Bukan kali pertama PS Plus memberikan event game gratis ini kepada pelanggan layanan on-line dari sony tersebut, karena pada bulan desember 2017 yang lalu beberapa game juga di gratiskan seperti game Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition dan Kung Fu Panda: Shodown of Legendary Legends juga di dapat diunduh secara gratis oleh para pelanggan layanan PSN.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divide adalah salah satu game yang digratiskan oleh PS Plus. Pada game ini Adam Jensen kembali hadir sebagai protagonis melanjutkan game sebelumnya yaitu Deus Ex: Huan Revelution. Pada seri terbarunya ini Adam Jensen dituntut untuk menghadapi sebuah kelompok terorisme dan kalian bisa bermain layaknya detektif, sebagai pembunuh, atau gabungan keduanya.
Seri Telltele Batman juga menjadi salah satu game yang digeratiskan oleh PS Plus bulan januari ini, keunikan game ini adalah walaupun karakternya berasal dari DC Comic, namun cerita yang diberikan dalam game ini tidak terikat dengan adaptasi dari komik, film ataupun game yang sudah ada, para player bisa memilih peran yang mereka inginkan apakah menjadi seorang Batman atau seorang milyader bernama Bruce Wayne, pilihan yang kalian ambil akan memberikan konsekuensi yang berbeda-beda tentunya.
Ada 8 game yang digratiskan oleh PlayStation selain dua yang diatas, baik itu untuk konsol PS 3, PS 4, maupun PS Vita, dan berikut daftar lengkap yang digeratiskan PS Plus pada bulan Januari 2018 :
PlayStation 4
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- Batman: The Telltale Series
- StarBlood Arena (PS VR required)
- Uncanny Valley (Vita Cross-Buy)
- That's You (Europe Only)
PlayStation 3
- Sacred 3
- Book of Unwritten Tales 21
PlayStation Vita
- Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Dan itu dia game-game yang digratiskan dalam bulan Januari 2018 ini, apakah ada game yang kalian tunggu? jika ada tuliskan di kolom komentar 😘
sumber : GAMEBROTT
😵 Ketinggalan Postingan @mydream yang lain? Berikut daftar list postingan di channel gaming @mydream semoga bermanfaat :
🎮 Game Review: Detroit Become Human - Robot Will Replace Humans !! 🤖 [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 5 Game That Should Not Be Created !! 😱 [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 5 Sophisticated Games That Will Override Gamers If Playing A Game Of Plowing Versions !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 Intermezzo: Thank You Steemit For This New SmartPhone [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 5 Realistic Sniper Game Tests Your Accuracy !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 Game Review: Days Gone - Game Horror Survival of 2018 !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 5 The Most Powerful Game Creators In The Game World !! [ENG-IND]
🎮 TOP 8 Controversial Game During 2017 !! [ENG-IND]
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