Game Review | Review Game Dragon Ball Fighter Z PC | [ENG]
Hello all, come back with me @muhammad23 and for this time I will share the game reviews about the game from antiquity also exist, in the movie is also not less exciting, and now in 2018 this party who made the game has been released for game Dragon Ball FighterZ is his latest, and for more details, just direct my review for this game.

How many series of Dragon Ball games have you tasted to date? Then believe it or not, the amount will match the age of the gamers themselves. For those who are old enough, it all starts from the charm of the SNES era that began to be able to photograph the figure as clear as Goku and Vegeta with extraordinary detail. For slightly younger gamers, GT Final Bout always offers many stories full of complaints and frustrations, even without hesitation, leaving painful injuries on the fingers. Many started from the Playstation 2 era and fell in love with Tenkaichi Budokai - a fighting game in a three-dimensional format that is faithful to what we know all along from its anime / manga series. The point? This is an icon that has grown with the gaming industry for quite a long time. A series that can not be handled by just any. Fortunately, Bandai Namco hooked the seasoned fighting game developer - Arc System Works to work on a new series of fighting games - Dragon Ball FighterZ.

If you follow Bando Namco's various information released over the past few months, then you know already that the central figure for the Dragon Ball FighterZ plot will center on the new character formulated by Akira Toriyama directly - Android 21. But one surprise they have not talking about? Apparently the story related to this new figure not only offers a single story line, but three pieces with different characters protagonist. Three arc stories in our story, managed to offer single-player gameplay content for almost 8 hours without stopping, with a fight for the sake of the fight going on.
The related story of Android 21 will be taken from three stories: The protagonist with Goku as the central figure, Antagonist with Frieza as the plunger motor plot, and the last - Android 21 itself. All three are not one story with different perspectives, but three different stories that each offer an alternative approach that is all centered on the figure of Android 21. However, each of them share the same premise. You wake up unconscious with a mysterious soul that is connected to any character body that you control. The world is in danger, with the strongest brawlers who are suddenly weak and fallen asleep, followed by their dark Clone-Clones that begin to create chaos on earth. It's your job to stop it.

Although it offers three different stories, as you can predict, you will not encounter anything unique and spectacular here. He still shares the identity of the Shonen story in general, where a better power struggles to defeat the evil forces of course, possess greater abilities and energies than any enemy you face today. But there is one interesting fact. Although all three stand as their own story, the background and explanations of some of the mysteries will be scattered, presented and opened in this separate arc-arc. The rest is to enjoy the journey together with Bulma who can also be called, as the central character who will continue to accompany you, in a cut-scene full of cut-scenes among the battles.
Live Anime

If there is one thing that Dragon Ball FighterZ deserves to be praised from Dragon Ball FighterZ is Arc System Works's commitment to assure you, gain a faithful experience with what you love from Dragon Ball itself, whether from the manga version or the animenya. So almost all elements of the presentation, from just visual to audio, fulfill the small dream. The Unreal Engine 4, which is used as the base, is used optimally to create a beautiful 2.5D visualization of the color detail game, to dazzle through a variety of character attack animations that are retained and tailored to the game itself. Something that sounds simple on the surface, but complex when you dive deeper.
From the visual side, viewing Arc System Works's ability to offer iconic animations of every character translated in the game, especially for a stunning final attack is so fantastic. From Tien Shinhan's one of his flagship attacks should end up sacrificing Chiaotzu ala the scene of course, no longer foreign to you. More cool? The fact that as logic is supposed to be, Chiaotzu can only die once, thus, this final attack is only accessible once in every battle. Or how do they ensure Ginyu's body-exchange ability, for example, can be done here, for certain strategic advantages. Or is it more brutal? The ability of Android 16 to destroy itself through a massive explosion is also offered here.

One aspect of another presentation that can not be ruled out just like that also comes from the audio presentation he offers. For Dragon Ball fans, there's always something special about the Dragon Ball audio itself. That sounds when a shelling attack like Final Flash or Kamehameha flies deep through space has always had a specific sound, or when a quick blow is waged to any foe who fights, or for just how quickly they move to face the enemy from behind. Every sound you know from the Dragon Ball anime, to the smallest one, is perfectly represented here. Even for the story mode, they managed to hook the entire Japanese voice actor / acrress to portray their own characters, including Bulma filled by the late Hiromi Tsuru, RIP.

You know how cool a game is, when we dedicate two special sessions just to talk about the presentation he's offering. Believe it or not, the charm is not over on Arc System Works's ability to blend a Dragon Ball series that is "Dragon Ball once". To make sure he is able to inject what makes this franchise a loved one, he also manages to offer one more extra element. What is that? That's right, dramatizing. The sensation of every attack you throw, from kick to wrapping feels so strong and destructive is emitted here. The two-dimensional fighting format as offered by Dragon Ball FighterZ, it must be admitted, is not a suitable format to show the impression that each attack is as strong as you look at the anime / manga version. That in the end, your assault, as strong as anything, will be limited to the vast limits of the battle arena itself.

However, Arc System Works has a solution for that. If you managed to close the battle with a strong kick or wrecking attack that is in anime / manga story ending had a destructive effect, then there is an extra scene that will appear. You can see the enemy bouncing, destroying the nearest wall or mountain, suggesting that your last assault is so powerful. At some level even, it can end with a move to a new stage, after showing how the bouncing character must get sick through several buildings at once. If closed with a strong final attack, you will trigger "Destructive Finish", where you can see the iconic Dragon Ball scene as these light balls create a destructive effect on the surrounding environment. Like enjoying an atom bomb in a colorful pattern depending on which character you use. More cool? Extra details such as Trunks unique attack that looks like mushroom for example, will also be projected in this Destructive Finish shape. If you feel that this is enough, still not. There are other fantastic presentation extras offered by Arc System Works here. The core they want to pursue is trying to recreate the various iconic moments that define Dragon Ball itself. Various events that seem to be hard to forget by gamers who have followed this franchise faithfully. To execute it, they offer two variant features called "Dramatic Finish" and "Dramatic Opening". As the name suggests, Dramatic Opening means extra content for the opening scene before the fight, while Dramatic Finish is geared for extra content when you end a certain battle.
Basically Simple!

Believe it or not, Dragon Ball FighterZ is not a difficult fighting game. This is one of the most friendly fighting games for newcomers today.
Believe it or not, behind all the rapid attack moves offered by Dragon Ball FighterZ, it is actually a simple fighting game. That its main complexity lies not in trying to memorize all the lines of action and how to combine them, but rather on how to use them in the right timings to attack, defend, or counterattack. Coupled with clear and basic tutorial modes, believe it or not, Dragon Ball FighterZ is even fit and can be enjoyed by gamers who may not be too good at playing other two-dimensional fighting games, like Street Fighter or King of Fighters for example .
Everything is simplified in one button or a combination of two buttons. There are buttons dedicated to regular attacks that will trigger combos if pressed repeatedly, one button for powerful attack ready to bounce characters to the edge of the screen to be combed again with extra attacks, one attack for light balls, and one button for medium attack . There is one button to do Super Dash = super fast move to open an attack, one button to do a Dragon Rush which is actually no different from the grappling function to hit a persisting enemy, and two buttons for Assist or replace characters. The rest? Some functions of two buttons to collect energy (Ki) or make the movement disappear and attack from behind. With this simple button, the rest of the activity you need to do is learn to look for timings to execute it.

So with all its appeal, it's no exaggeration to call Dragon Ball FighterZ is the best Dragon Ball series we've ever tasted so far. Arc System Works and Bandai Namco seem to understand very well what makes the Dragon Ball so loved to this day, and then ensures that all of the attraction is reflected clearly through the products they are racik. We're talking not only about the right target presentation and super cool in the visual and audio section, but also the animated character animation details, the balancing process of the game, the dramatization, and the lootbox concept that contains only cosmetic items. For gamers who love Dragon Ball, both from the anime / manga series, either from the "Z" or "Super" series, this will be one product you do not want to miss. A game that looks not only built just as a "stuff", but also the accumulation of hard work, creative process, and love of Dragon Ball as a popular anime that has accompanied us for a very long time.
Nevertheless, we ourselves must admit that this series is not perfect. There are some things that we think deserve to be complained of, especially from the content series. One of them? Selection of roster. Although Bandai Namco or Arc System Works could be dodged for story reasons, but the roster you get early in the release does trigger a clear question mark. As an example? Chooses to present a Yamcha or Tien Shinhan class character for example, which can be replaced with more iconic characters in different styles. We will open our hands to the presence of Babidi, Videl, or Kameshenin for example, which we think is more appropriate. Or to fulfill personal dreams? Vegeta "M" is not present here. The second complaint is the Story mode content that we think is too complicated and repetitive. Continue to fight for at least 8 hours to complete 3 arc stories is an experience that can not be called, fun. Especially considering there is a fairly strong story resemblance between the first and second story arc, for example. Third complaint? This game takes up more space for cosmetic items. Instead of dressing Avatar characters in the lobby, we expect this game to have an alternative costume that is not just different colors for each character. Where is my casual Android 18 costume, Arc ??.

- The visuals are cool
- Voice actor / actress is like the animated series
- Dramatization is bombastic
- Gameplay is fast and fun
- Friendly to gamers of newcomers fighting genre
- Stories with three arcs that offer quite a long game time
- Audio loyal to the main material
- A fun and thrilling multiplayer sensation (based on past beta version)
- Android Design 21

and so it is to review the game from me for today, this dragon ball game is very good to be played, its graphic also enough trusted with more perfect graphics just like other heavy game game its.


Author of this post : @muhammad23


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