Monster Hunter Weapon #5 : Hammer

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Hammer! This is my main weapon that i've been using for hundreds of hours of game play in previous Monster hunter games. The Hammer is this giant lump of metal that you just drag around and bash monsters in the face. It's the best weapon for stunning monsters and knocking them flat on their side.

What's really great about the hammer is that you can charge it up WHILE moving. you can even climb up some steps(not vines) while charging and leap off for a massive aerial Smash that usually results in mounting the Monster. This is great because not only do you bring the ability to stun the monster and immobilize it, you also have the ability to mount it and knock it down from the mount attack. You can cancel the charge up attack by doing a roll and releasing the charge button during the roll. In case you ever want to put your weapon away to run, dodge or use item you can do so.

Hammers are really slow and a lot of players find it awkward to use but since it has no speed it makes up for it with insanely high raw damage. I've broken parts of the monster such as it's horns and stunning the monster, all in one attack.
But unfortunately you can't cut off the tail of monsters with a hammer, no matter how sharp your Sharpness bar indicates. So when you see me sharpening my hammer... I uh.. i dont know why i'm sharpening it.


  • Highest Raw Damage
  • Very powerful and mobile Charging ability.
  • Can stun monsters with powerful blows to the head
  • Drains monster's stamina on hits
  • Really up close and personal due to the short range of the weapon allows you to observe for weak points of the monster


  • Slow Attacks
  • Requires Good Timing to properly land hits
  • Really low Sharpness
  • Charge attack cost stamina while you're charging.
  • Poor elemental and Status
  • Cannot cut tails
  • Low reach, short weapon is short.

Leave any comment and questions, i'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
Follow me for more Monster Hunter weapon talks!

If you missed the Long Sword post you can read it here -
You can read the next post of the series here -


Good to know, that you cant cutoff a tail. I am going to check it out right now, because iam playing with dual wield and they feel weak

I posted about Dual blades, they're really good with status and elemental attacks with the right armor skills. But since we're at the beginning of the game we wont be able to get the right skills to bring out the true potential of dual blades.

I think the best bet is to go with a powerful weapon early, then later on in the game when you can assemble better armor sets you can then switch back to dual blades and see when they truely shine.