[Day 1]Katarina - exercises before playing matchmaking

in #gaming6 years ago

Hello there,
Today i want to start writting about Katarina in League of Legends. I will try to do it every day and share with you my progress with this champion. Since playing this game not that much as earlier i really don't know how things are going in this game.

Accidentally i found a player called Flyberg and Katlife. They're really good players with Katarina and they impressed me that hard, so i want to play like them. (which is probably impossible xD)

Started with video called "COMPLETE KATARINA COMBO GUIDE - SEASON 8 | Katlife" and today i'm trying to see how it looks like in practice!


I want to admit that i really love the feeling of this skills. Resetting my E every time i pick dagger gives wide variety of combo.


I really did't have any problems with any combo. Everything feels good and smooth. Sometimes I didn't use skills in right order but it's all easy to learn. Most problems i've had with full combo with all of my skills and gunblade. If i want to do it fast i mess up everything.


Not much to write today, but hope you'll like this idea :). Is it diary? i dunno how to call it xD


good post on kata , i main jg , kata is a champ
that brings a lot to the game