Mo Money Monday
Don't let the zombie get the Steem!
Give it somewhere safe to stay, like your wallet.
I am off for the next two days, so that means a lot of gaming will be done and steem given away. We are coming upon the eve of our seventh horde night and things are getting gnarly! During our last horde night, we had zombie bears, toxic fume spitting cops, and dozens of other radiated zombies. The radiated ones are capable of regenerating HP, so they are a bit more difficult to kill. The Darkness Falls mod has been such a joy to play!
You won't want to miss today's play!
As soon as one of my partners in crime gets home, we will be heading out to raid the Shotgun Messiah factory. Hopefully we will rack up on ammo, guns, and find a few auto-turrets without dying too many times. We spent two game days just trying to recover our backpacks after being smashed by a behemoth zombie. Let me tell you, behemoth is an understatement. These things will take you out with one swat. I said I wanted a challenge and I got one.
Come say Yo! and win!

Want to share your craft but you're not sure how to get started? Have no fear! @helpie-caster is here! This awesome group of people is always willing to provide support to a streamer in need. If you're stuck and need some help, send them a shout, someone will be there to help you out. I can't count the number of times they have been there for this n00b.
Giveaways made possible by generous donations from

Vote Guiltyparties Witness

Special Thanks

Vote Enginewitty Witness

Need to spend some retail therapy loot?

Mo, with the exception of @mamma-dukes, I have known @molovelly the longest. We joined Steem around the same time close to two years ago. Thank you to @guiltyparties, @greenhouseradio and all the other super Steemians for their generous support! Also special thanks to @helpie-caster for all of their help which they provide to @vimm streamers!
THANK YOU @sgt-dan
WooHoo! Gaming and Giveaways! Zombies and steem! #GreenHouseRadioOnline hopes we can help this awesomeness that is YOU with anything you need.#GreenHouseGamers also looks to team up with you.