Cut The Rope 2 - Level 49 - 51 # Power Blue
Hello .... Good night ... Steemian .. meet again with me @moezak in this article I will continue my adventure game story about how to play cut the rope 2 game on level 49 mission to one, we just play in game cut the rope 2, at this level we meet new friend that is Blue why is she in blue named? Because the color from feet to hair color is all blue and shaped like a cube so at this level we have to take 3 stars at a time, so we must focus on completing level 49 first mission, see picture below:

Om Nom sits on top of his new friend that is blue he smiles and sees there are three stars on his head and also sees no wood then candy sugar caught in the rope and his position on top. Om Nom thinks that how he should take to the three stars above him ask the blue ....... Can we take the stars that are above us? ... before we answer we introduce first new friend Om Nom who is at level 49 this, see picture below:
Excess Blue and lack
1. Can reproduce itself
2. There is no limit to always replicating
1. He can not fly
2. Can not create boundary line

This tapilan is the display on the game level 1, to find out how to quickly complete the level in I is the first step click on Blue he will double himself and make Om Nom up ka to take sugar candy and touch the star above. Continue click on blu e so he will double until Om Num picks up some sugar candy. That is at the top or in a high place.

Until blue raises Om Nom up he touches the star and menuggu fall of candy from above, at this level Om Nom get good results, total score 5615 and + 56 gold coins. To better understand the play prose click on the videos I have provided for level 49 missions to one, two and three or collect 3 stars: see the video below:
One-to-one mission video collects 3 stars
The second mission video is about fruits
The 3rd mission video takes
Next we will continue the cut the rope 2 game on level 50 by completing 3 missions or completing three adventures as adventure that must be solved is the first mission to take 3 stars, to two take as much as possible fruits and the third is to take stars by using speed of time, faster finish better. It's a suggestion from @moezak that makes stories about the games I play. See the picture below which is level 50 mission to 2:

At this level we must remember that Om Nom's new friends have the power of doubling themselves up to hundreds of times and there is no limit, I should first see the position where Om Nom is located and the blue standing on the left and right, in the middle position there is a square wooden block long and sugar candy on the block, the first step is click on the left Blue she will double herself then sugar candy jerky and go up to sambaing touch the fruit above, then try also click on Blue on the left candy will thrown higher and touching the fruit.

Then click again on the right Blue until he makes the candy higher up. Next click again on the Blue which is next to kananklik several times supay higher and the candy will fall sideways or pass on the limit that has been provided, logs and logs straight or rectangle will fall in the expected position but must remember that candy should be tilted towards Om Nom reside. After cutting the rope on the wooden beam and round beam candy will fall towards the Om Nom is located and the end result in the can is 7184 good results and can be sampled the playing process. At this level I am @moezak providing videos on level 50 missions to one, second mission and third mission. Watch the video:
The first mission
Second mission
Third mission
This is a second mission or adventure video:
Then I will continue on level 51 in this level game game we have to solve the puzzle that is in the game cut the rope 2 and see picture below:

At this level Om Nom must take three stars and use the help of his new friend that is blue, has 2 levels of blue help Om Nom in completing the adventure, whether the third is blue can petrify Om Nom? ... ayoo ... we follow how to solve level 51 this, first we have to click on Blue so she adds her twin, ... woeee .... Steady, click on the blue until he is close to the wooden block. Then cut the string on the candy and the candy falls snugly in the beam position

Click again on Blue until he tilts the wooden block to the fall of sugar candy on the cliff or the stone on the left side. Then click on the wind jar to push the fall of Blue or his two or three twin brothers that we have to lower from the blue arrangement, then the wooden beam will tilt next to Om Nom stand and the candy will roll over to Om Nom's place. Finally finished also level 51 is to get good enough result that is 4862 +48 gold coins. At this level I have provided the video I play in the game cut the rope 2. See the video below:
A one-to-one mission video
The second mission video
Third mission video
This view video mission to one on leve 51 collecting 3 stars
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