Cut The Rope 2 - Level 41 - 43 # Play In The Sea Water
Good night…. friends ... Steemian meets back with Me @moezak in making the story of completion or adventure in Game Cut The Rope 2. In this evening post I will play the adventure game completing missions or puzzles on levels 41 through 43 in this adventure Om Nom gets the level he's been longing for. this level indicates that Om Nom has been able to or has been steady in adventure and completing missions he has received from his ancestors.

In this picture we can see that there are two air balloons and 2 wooden blocks and in the middle there is a sugar candy tied between the left and right, the initial process of cutting on the right rope then balloon will blow the candy and wooden blocks upwards quickly cut the rope on the left-hand beam so the candy touches the first star, and the candy keeps rising up, try not to touch the star above, then cut the rope that is stuck on the right beam so that the candy shakes to the left and then cuts the string on the beam which is stuck with candy and candy falls on the star near Om Nom and next to the left lick,

the mental candy to Om Nom see in the picture above. the result of this game is really unexpected total score that we can be very satisfying and in addition to the coins is 19 coins. Below is a video about level 41 mission to three takes 2 stars, hopefully this video can surf in puzzle solving game at this level:
Next we will go to level 42 in the long-awaited is so long this time we can play in the water very deep, we just continue the adventure in taking 3 stars that are in the water very deep see Om Nom free fall use septi or swimsuit he floats like a ship, ... .woeeee ... .. remembers on the first post that Om Nom has a body knowledge .. .. see and read on post or level 1 about the science of the body of Om Nom. Here we are expected to take 3 stars at once and candy to the top by grabbing the 3 stars in the water under the position of Om Nom swim. See picture below ... ..

See or observe the star running in the water pacing, if it is the same or parallel position try to cut straight the three ropes that are stuck with candy, the result of candy directly floated in the water as if there is a pull from the top, really fast candy to the top and Om Nom opened a very big mouth in the water he immediately ate sugar candy. After completing the 42nd level result of the 3rd star taking in the water, the result is very satisfying soon. Below I provide a level 42 video about taking 3 stars view this video:
For the next level or at level 42 about collecting fruits sprinkled in the water, here also we must see that Om Nom is very brave in taking action to plunge into the very deep water, this adventure is full of risks if we are late take the fruits of fear of breath Om Nom will be exhausted, the step we must do first is cut the rope on the candy to the left of the candy will grab the fruits that are nearby.

Then the next step we have to do is cut the rope on the candy in the middle and the candy will grab the fruit nearby again and as soon as possible to cut the other rope or the last rope that is on the sugar candy, after the string breaks candy floating in the water while climbing onto a candy grabbing the fruit in the middle of the water and up on the water candy must also grab a fruit that is in the middle of the outer lining or in the air, just one just above the water. In order to achieve its mission. Here I also provide a video about level 42 fruits:
Then we will start with level 42 to the third mission, at this level we should not touch the star even if only one, later will not get the value or points that have been available. We follow the next step: the way our gems are just waiting for the star to fly to the left and to the right that is in the water, we also have to wait for the three stars to lead sideways, disconnect the rope on the candy, but it must be seen really that the star has all pointing sideways. At the same time all the ropes that are caught in candy and candy directly melsat up. Below I also provide a video about level 42 to the third mission:
We have seen levels 41 and 42 now we are headed at level 43 here we have to complete 3 missions at once, so i will explain briefly to the following level ie level 43 mission to one, at this level the process is almost equal to the above , this level Om Nom ask for help from his friend Roto and he brought the wind jar with him, see the picture below below the position of Roto above and Om Nom in the middle position while with the wind jar is in the water and 2 stars are in the air and the another one is in the water. How to solve this game is by click on the wind jar under Om Nom to blow sugar candy towards Roto fly then Roto fly the candy into the air and click again on Roto to release the candy to fall into the water

And when falling into the water click again on the wind jar below to blow the candy to touch the underwater star. Then cut the rope caught in the sugar candy and exhale again towards Roto, wait until Roto takes the candy and is brought to the air and given to Om Nom. See the time position Roto near the star just click on Roto to release candy and fall right on Om Nom stand. Check out the video I played below: clear how to complete mission at level 43 mission to one.
At level 43 the second mission is about taking as many fruits as possible in the water and in the air we can see the picture in this game that is the position and placement Roto and the wind jar same as on the mission to one level 43 above so no need to worry in taking action, the first step on this level by starting click on the jar that is near the candy then candy will touch the fruit that is in the water and leads to Roto, then Roto bring flying into the air while touching the fruit on the ceiling and do not forget to click back on Roto to release the candy to fall into the water and again by the jar to touch the fruit in front of the jar and float back up the water click again on the jar above to give candy to Roto and bring it up again to touch the fruit near Om Nom, then release men with way click on Roto.

The game at level 43 fruits is more cool in comparison with the previous level-level because we are playing to see the sea water so the scenery that is in the mind will be clear and feel comfortable. What's more at night we play Cut the rope 2 game that is full of colorful in all levels that we pass with Om Nom and friends in this game game. at level 42 of this fruit I have provided one video example:
For the game on level 43 the third mission is the same way and technique all just have to be at this level do not touch the stars and only candy that must be given to Om Nom for the evening breakfast ... follow the little ways I play on level 43 mission to three this. the first way to cut the rope that is in the candy and click on the wind jar in order to blow on the route Roto and not to miss the candy because the candy has been in the disconnect so can not be pulled by Roto. After the same can Roto he just brought the candy fly into the air,

Before touching the star above try quick click on Roto to release candy and fall fit in front of Om Nom then candy rolled quickly toward where Om Nom who had waited with smile and opened his big mouth. at this level also i have provided video to play with no doubt, see video below:
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