Cut The Rope 2 - Level 33 Up To Level 36 # Third Mission
Hello ....... A good afternoon ……. Friends ... Steemian .... meet back with Saya @moezak in Cut The Rope 2 game in this post I will explain about how to complete level 33 mission to third to level 36 mission to three. here the game is very complicated and make us so think with a mind that really focused. So we just follow the adventure in making the story with me in the game cut the rope 2. At level 33 of this third mission, see picture below:
Om Nom stood in a really cool costume and waited on giving sugar candy, in this view we have to take one star only because this mission is the third mission in this 33 level game, how to click and cut the rope that is on the sugar candy and do not forget to see the position of candy and rope capped on a sharp rock, next to it there is also a shadow from the balloon look beside the candy and in front of Om Nom stand and remember the time we have to finish only a little if we focus in running it certainly time does not feel fast even time which is given too long.
For the third mission at level 33, I have provided the video I played, see below, so that in completing this level is more perfect:
Now we continue to level 34 here I also play with the third mission, in the picture below we can interpret that the game will be done by Om Nom is very simple but must use a more effective sense from the previous levels, as for display at this level as follows:
In this game Om Nom and lick adventure as well as Om Nom carrying a wind jar to fly sugar candy by blowing away with urns click on the jars and candy will float without a rope that snagged on candy then click on the lick left and right let make a cross for candy, keep still exhale and click again on the right lick and let the candy fall and touch the picture banyangan balloon then click and blow the balloon so pas candy falls on the Om Nom is then he devoured the candy with great enthusiasm. Here is the result of this level 34 game, and Om Nom gets good points and perfects the 34th level of the third mission perfectly.
This is the video I provide for level 34 of the third mission. Just click on his video see how to complete the mission in this video.
At level 35 I will tell you about completing adventure and puzzle, we just make a story about level 35 below, this time mission we have to do is to take one star and leave 2 star, so the process of playing is to click on the lick but see the position of Om Nom he progressed slowly toward the lick before reaching the first star directly klick on the candy or break the rope let the candy fall along with Om Nom and as he fell he ate the candy, before getting to the bottom just click again on the lick that position below him hiding inside the pointed rock and only his head appeared in front (which we can see)
Then click on the lick again and he pulls or puts his tongue inside then Om Nom falls and fits in the middle of the stone that holes in the middle, so he can not touch the star under or in front of him, so the position of Om Nom just stuck in between the rocks. So it's finished the process of traveling Om Nom on this 35th evel, as for the results of the can from this adventure in a very dangerous level, a little misstep right fell on the stone and died. So I hope if you want to play first see the video that I provide in baawah this, easy-easy to be useful for those playing the game at level 35 this.
The next level is a level that makes us very skeptical in solving a puzzle, a challenge at this level I also take the third mission in level 36, we see from the picture below many stones beside sugar candy and lick there 3 in different positions, each of which has issued his tongue to hold the candy so as not to roll over, so here we must take 3 stars at once and candy must also be an afternoon breakfast for Om Nom, follow how to play the adventure finish on the game Cut the rope 2 level 36 this: the first way is to focus first click on Lick below to draw his tongue. So the candy can roll over the fore then click on the second lick so as not to make the limit when candy will fall towards the second star, then click on the candy rope and cut the rope down first.
The next step click on Lick above the front position so the sugar candy falls and floats in the air, but must remember still left behind a rope on the candy bar. As the candy is shaky, try to cut the rope on the candy and the candy will fall on the star in the middle and bounce down, so the candy is still in the middle position try to click on the lick to make the limit of the candy fall.
As soon as we click on the lick below, so she can hold the candy does not fall in the direction of the cliff, candy falls on the tongue of the lick and touches the star below, candy bounce snugly in the direction of Om Nom is on Nom directly to eat for breakfast. So he can also generate good points, the total score in the can is 11747 and +43 coins .. so the end result on level 36 is very interesting. And we can take for example in the next petualngan. Below I have provided a video for level 36 in completing the third mission.
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