Cut The Rope 2- Level 31 and 32 # Om Nom Customization
Hello ....... Good night ……. Friends ... Steemian .... Reunite with Me @moezak to create a story about the completion of the game mission that I play myself is Game Cut The Rope 2 on level 31 up to level 32, in this game Om Nom make a surprise that is by buying a very unique hat costume. This hat makes Om Nom very excited in completing missions or puzzles that exist at levels 31 and 32, so curious ......! How the Om performs in completing the missions that are in front of him, okay .. we just follow adventure looking for stars and fruits and coins and points better. See the picture below:

This is the look of Om Nom in the adventure of completing the mission at level 32.
Below I will tell you how the process of completion that I played on level 31 by collecting 3 star so now we will do the first / first process: do by click on Lick he will create a boundary line and for the fall of the wooden beam, cut the rope from the beam let the beam fall over the tongue lick and let two or two adjacent beams after that cut the string on the candy suitably fit in the middle of the block and touch the first star, then click on the wind jar slowly and keep the candy stick in position at middle, exhale until the candy touches the second star, then exhale the wooden beam using the wind jar adjust the candy in the position of Om Nom below. Immediately click on the lick for the candy to fall down fit in the position of Om Nom, he immediately opened his mouth wide to eat sugar candy is very sweet and tasty and delicious.

This is the result of the first game made by Om Nom by getting 3 stars using wooden beams and points in 4785 then 47 coins. Below I provide a video to further clarify how to play:
Okay…. now we will continue on level 31 with the mission to pick up as many fruits as possible, follow me to finish this game: we will do the kick on the power of flying balloons and use on sugar candy and let the balloon will bring flying candy to touch the fruits that are above, after exhausting the fruit on top disconnect the balloon rope and sugar candy fall to touch the fruit below.

Next Click on the lick to extract his tongue to the stone in front of him and disconnect the rope on the wooden beam to fall over the limits that have been made by Lick then disconnect the rope on the candy and exhale forward in order to grab the fruits that are in front of him , but exhale slowly, then click again on the flying balloon, click again on the candy let the sweets drift once more and grab the fruits that are on top of the left try a few pieces. Then click on the lick to pull out the tongue and the wooden beam falls aside under the lick. Then disconnect the rope that is on the sugar candy, the candy falls right over Om Num stands and Om Nom instantly eat it no longer wait. Finally this level 31 fruit finishes perfectly and earns 8585 points and +38 coins. Very satisfied result for level 31 this fruit. here also I provide video for level 31 fruit, see video:
Next we will go to adventure at level 32 finish 3 stars and make Om Nom to wear new costume that is by wearing cloud cap, ... .. Woooeeee .... His appearance is very interesting to him like a swordsman from the sky .... Hhh ... .haaa ... at this level is the bonus bonus given to Om Nom, the magic fairy or the direction guide how to play if we have run out of sense or how to finish the game on leve32 in and also given 5 pieces of balloon. See the picture below:

After all we can continue the game follow the story that I play the first we have to run is to click on the bottom position Lick then click on the wind jars until sugar candy touches the star in front of the near Om Nom stand and click again on the lick that is located beneath it will pull back his tongue, candy fly up the fly while touching the star that is near the wind jar, after touching the star quickly click on the lick above him he will make the rest of the candy does not fly past the jar, then click on the jars until the balloon touching the star next to the lick whose position is above.

After all the stars we just take a new click on the lick that is below, then cut the rope on sugar candy to fall on the tongue lick that is under the wait until the candy bar rolled to Om Nom, see the face and the pointed white teeth is waiting for sweet food or breakfast sugar candy, .... Nyamiiii .... Om Nom devoured it. This is the result of a 32 level game that takes the stars and brings in better coins and points. At this level I have provided video game games see below:
We will continue the journey to level 32 Fruit, this level of change level Om Nom using the latest costume, really beautiful appearance costume ,, not yet on sale in the market .. hhhh .. ha ... at level 32 of this fruit we have to collect the fruit most so that we can use the power of Om Nom that is by using the balloon fly, the first permanent sugar must be restricted to fly by click on the lick below, then click urn the wind constantly until the candy touched the fruit around him, after that cut the ropes that snagged candy fly and continue to exhale using the wind jar after getting to the end of the kick on the lick again so he opened the direction to fly candy up, then click on the lick above the right side he will make the balloon flight limits to air.

After that, release the limits by clicking on the lick he will drag his beautiful then bring the balloon flying sweets and grab the fruits that are around the jug then click again on the jar on top let the candy fly into the middle continuously until the candy and balloon fly high, then cut the on the balloon so that the candy drops down while touching the fruits that are near the lick, and roll over to Om Nom, smiling Om Nom receives the sugar candy that comes slowly but surely. So this is the end of level 32 this fruit. see the video below:
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