Cut The Rope 2- Level 28 Fruits - 30 Fruits

Hello ....... Good morning ……. Steemian friends .... I am @moezak sorry for a few days can not make posting because my computer error and must re-install komputrenya. Okay for this time I @moezak make the plot of the game or playing technique that I play in Game Cut The Rope 2, on this adventure I will discuss about the level of 28 fruits up to 30 fruits. We just follow the post play by using the power of the balloon. Below is a picture of level 28 fruits:

At this level the green frog uses his strength that is the flying balloon he menngunakan at the same time two balloons, Om Nom immediately fly up and take the surrounding fruits, how to take for the strength of the balloon is at the previous level, the first step we must see the position of candy , cut the candy rope and candy down while grabbing the fruits. Then click on the lick below and he sets the line with his tongue. So as not to fall Om Nom to the abyss.

Disconnect the rope on the balloon and Om Nom instantly falls over the limit that has been created by the lick and then snapped the fruit in front of him. Then break the string on the candy to rolled over and grab the fruit around it. Om nom is waiting for the arrival of candy and directly in loudly. After eating the candy she got a pretty good result and can we for example, I have provided a level of 28 video fruits see below:
There are two videos that number one is level 28 Fruit and the second is 28 missions to 3
<a href=>
After the mission on the above advanture finish we continue to level 29.
At this level Om Nom is accompanied by his friend Roto (helicopter) Om Nom position above and he depends on the roto, click on roto Om nom fall over and take the fruit, click on lick he will release his tongue / in pull back, Om Nom falling and rolling down the ravine but he relying again on the roto below, then break the rope on the candy and the candy falls in the direction of the tilt that Lick makes while rolling the candy to grab the star in front of him.

This is the look of Om Nom completing level 29 with 3 stars, after completing Om Nom's first mission to continue to level 29 fruit, he was happy smile by completing the mission faster, the result is very good. See the picture below we proceed to the mission of collecting as many - the number of fruits that exist on this level 29. it looks the same as the above one there is only a change in the fruits and techniques used.

The result can be at this level is also very good and Om Nom can take the fruits. perfectly, because aided by Roto and Lick, remember that we work together whatever the problem we can definitely face or complete it perfectly. I also provide a video about this game, just click the video address, so it's faster to complete the mission on level 29. video below there are 3 missions from level 29.
From we see this level 29 results better, because the process of running or completing this mission is not in a hurry, relaxed but surely. It's better than in a hurry not getting good results. We continue again on the 30 th level of Nom's very unique journey increasingly serious to solve a puzzle. See the picture below:

At this level the hassle of giving candy to Om Nom is very difficult because it is a bit wrong to run candy together with the block falling straight into the abyss and we can not take it again, so if for level 30 I have a solution, follow me now, look at the image above first click on the lick that is in the no 2 so he can make a boundary for the fall of the wooden beams as well as the hanging candy, another solution add strength to the balloon fly on the wooden beam, do not forget ya .. must be 2 pieces of new balloons wooden beams lifted into the air.

Remember do not rush to cut the balloon rope at this level 30, see the position on the candy and will fall towards where? ..... we just cut or the balloon. And do not always click on the lick below so as not to fall into the gulf candy. Let the candy snatch the fruits around the Om Nom ... and after everything is done see also the direction of candy that sway towards Om Nom standing, then we cut the rope. For the mission at this level there are also three missions, so I am here only to display the mission on fruits only. so that more clearly see the video below, there are some video missions:
Finish already mission at level 30 Om Nom get some fruit and star then mission to third he can finish it well. It is very impressive at this level, the distance from any close lick positions too late to click on the lick will be fatal consequences. That's the way or the solution from me for this level 30. hopefully can help you in running or completing missions in the game cut the rope 2.
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