Supportive friends in Gaming

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

As posted on my Facebook community the Path of Exile Hideout ( Sharing here as this is dedicated to you @supersoju , else you'd not get to read it! Love & thanks for the continued fun!

Do not rip, woman!

Supportive friends in Gaming


Today, I'm just going to write about someone who is important to me in the game. It's a ramble, so please skip past if it is too much.

I have mentioned in my posts occasionally of this favorite gal pal gamer chick. I'm a big fan of her cat, soju, even though I'm kinda scared of cats in real life. If you are a cat person, you can wander over to a crazy cat is an experience! omg

This lady was my very first Solo Self Found Hard Core (SSFHC) recruit to the game. It's the most difficult mode in Path of Exile. She was my most supportive friend beforehand on a different platform, and I knew she was an ex-gamer. We're talking her going as far back as dos games...that's super scary geek to me.

Since I started last month of Betrayal, she has been there with me on and off, depending on her schedule. Apparently, she sometimes like to work on her Sims 100 baby challenge, or whatever it was...In fact, I was supposed to return the favour and go try to have 100 digital babies...As if 2 real ones were not enough work for me...😂

She has a great sense of fun, and I still remember how I had started playing PoE only for a few days and posting on my experience, when she surprised me in a comment that she's downloaded the game. More shocking to me was that overnight, she had already well passed me in levels in what took me days! Yep, when I started, it took me days to finish Act 1 and Merveil was HARD. So funny to compare now.

And you know when you visit someone's hideout, you can immediately tell what kind of gamer they are?

Well, there her's was, just freshly started and her very bare minimalist hideout had all the key items strategically placed for optimal efficiency. When I gently complained (for fear of offending her) that her place wasn't decorated enough, I think her improvement was a fancy table that she managed to find and place in a corner...🤣That's not to say this lady has not got good taste, I've seen the impressive macaroon creations she bakes. But in gaming, she is in serious gamer mode.

Even with very limited time to play, she has got into maps on her own playing SSFHC the way she wants. And I really enjoy her perspective on the game. Gosh, when I first pointed out Path of Building to her, she totally nerded out on me! I'm giving that Hex Master skill node a go because she once raved about it. I am always thrilled to wake up to a discord message from her telling me she's continuing her Hardcore journey. Of course, I am devastated with her when she announces a rip. She's still going for her Immortal achievement (Level 80 HC), so I am rooting for her to exceed this and go onto Eternal (Level 90 HC), if not this league then the following ones. She's a perfect example how you can still enjoy and progress a HC game on your terms and pace.

It's great to have supportive friends in the game to keep you motivated.

We both play independently as we play SSFHC, and more than once we've bump into each other in town. Made me smile to catch her last night (see screenshot and chat - kooky/supersoju on the left, Nerfessa/Linny on the right), and that we had our Betrayal helm adorned as we both went for that in a last minute dash during our first league. I hope others are as fortunate to have developed lasting friendships that we can share our gaming with.


Yay for supportive friends in gaming!

Or anywhere really XD I've still got a few long term online friends that I met in forums a hundred million years ago. We're old farts now that have taken deviating routes but still check in every once in a while :)

Maintaining online friendships is tough, I'd say I've too many skeletons to remember them all now. But Supersoju is actually my longest running friend online; I categorise friends as those you regularly maintain contact with.

But the gaming community can be extremely toxic as I've discovered, which is why this new community is one I created. Starting groups is not my thing! It means a lot to me for those who came over in support and accepted moderation responsibilities, and I have found encouragement and readership in the kinder souls who took an interest in my PoE journey. I'm hoping it will be a place where people can meet other supportive players and become friends with. But only time will tell. The group is only over a week old and we just hit over 100 members. It keeps me busy atm. I still miss my conversations with @supersoju though. ;)

Hope you and your family are well. Thanks for dropping by this highly neglected blog.

Yes, yes it can be, as can any given community. Just gotta find the gems you wanna hang out with :)

Sounds like you've got a nice thing going with the group you started :D

So true re the toxicity, it's usually when I leave. I really don't know how well this group will go, only that I am very protective of the people who have expressed support. FB for all its shittiness, because it is shitty as far as privacy, it has done extremely well as far as collecting people into hubs of interest. I suppose this group of players has my loyalty and where I will primarily write for until it doesn't work. But at least I have a say as to who moderates and the general direction. I owe a lot of these players my gratitude for their patience and understanding. I can be controversial and demand I be allowed to say what's on my mind good and bad. It certainly rubs people the wrong way. ;)

Nothing wrong with saying what’s on your mind as long as everyone else can too and you all deal with the consequences 😜

It’ll be great 🙃

Posted using Partiko iOS

Gaming with friends is a lot of fun. Kinda can't wait for the semester to start so I can get back to gaming with my roommate. XD Gaming is a great way to meet and get to know people.

On the other hand, sometimes I don't feel like people and single player is nice XP

Why are you not playing Path of Exile? Why are we not connected on Facebook? Why are you not part of my little community? I miss you though. Hope you've been well and you're still with your gorgeous lady!

Well, I'm on my college's wifi and they don't let games through, so that's one reason. Otherwise I'd at least give it a try even though I have so many games in my Steam library waiting to be played lol.

You can add me on Facebook, my profile is I use Messenger a fair amount.

Not doing the greatest, not with her as of two days ago, so yeah... :'( There's a poem about some of my thoughts over on my Steem blog. Willing to talk more about it over Messenger or Hangouts if you want to. Really appreciated you talking with me before.

Well at least now I can say with this selfie; I’ve upgraded from a full bucket head to half a bucket head. I wouldn’t have been able to obtain that betrayal helm if it wasn’t for you. So thank you!

Lol I haven’t worked on my digital babies for a long time; I will after I rip with this last SSFHC attempt. No doubt it would be from some stupid mistake again. Thought I would give it one more go since there is a month left to this league and while I am waiting on work to be ready for me. Hopefully I would be able to get reach lvl 80 before end of the league; depends on work.

And you know when you visit someone's hideout, you can immediately tell what kind of gamer they are?

That was such a memorable moment when you first went into my hideout and commented on it. How you noticed I placed everything a certain way to keep it out of the way and how I shoved all the npcs to the side. But at least I decorated it a bit for you. At least I’ve set up a table and chair for visitors; plus a piece of art for them to view. If memory serves me right; I think I even put something like a bench for visitors to sit on while they admired my artwork.

Gosh, when I first pointed out Path of Building to her, she totally nerded out on me!

HAHAHA!! It made my life easier to plan my points and see some calculations. Doing everything in the head takes up space.

Well I hope we both reach the next achievement; good luck on reaching your Eternal achievement! You’ve done so well to date. Keep it up!
