My experiences | Gaming

Today I decided to share my experiences within the online community of gaming. I will be going over a few of the games that I play, these will be some of my favorite and most played.
Several people I know do not like video games and often tell me that i'm wasting my time, I on the other hand disagree. Video games are just a way to pass the time and since I do not watch television, gaming is how I chose to spend my free time.
With so much diversity and variety one could get lost for hours within the vast ocean that is the gaming world. So many games and so many different choices, thinking of what to play can be a bit difficult time to time. I can often spend minutes in my steam or client trying to decide which world I wish to embark upon.
Dota 2
I have decided to start steam, what game do I want to play? I glance over the list, pausing over Dayz and Chivalry. My friend sends me an invite. Message revived, ranked need one more for five stack.
First thought, do I have an hour or more? I look at clock. Perhaps. I'm feeling competitive and ready to fight. Response to message, Okay. Clicks play, update starts. Messages friend, I need to update can you wait? Friend responds, yea no problem bud. Game lunches.
I am now on the main screen, I click accept on the invite. Upon entering the lobby I note there is only four in the party. I say greetings, Hi are we waiting for one more? With no response I look at my friends profile, interesting says hes Sven level 3. I sigh an exit the lobby. Scrolling down my in game friends list I see one friend whom is not in a full party. Invite sent.
He joins and I start a ranked match, silence follows. The wait begins. Once 10 minutes had passed my friend says,
hasta la vista. As I look up what this means the game pops and we are now in hero selection.
Since this is ranked my choices are limited, what should I do? I could support, push, or carry. I can't decide so I random, techies. My teams then starts complaining saying good game, well played to the enemy team.
Little do they know Techies is one of my favorite heros, I have about 100 wins and 50 losses with him and always love when I get a chance to add to the score.
@kissdekat has nice game story