Videogames On The Way: DEATH STRANDING

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


Good day folks, I haven't done any posts in a while, but today I decided to do one about a game I've been following for quite a while and it will be very long so get ready. Hideo Kojima Hideo Kojima , the game's developer, presented a trailer at E3 2016 where we could see the actor Norman Reedus as the main character, which was a bit surprising because Reedus was also going to be the main character in his game of Silent Hills , until Konami decided to cancel the game. There has been a lot of controversy about this and it seems that this game will have much of the essence that the failed title of Silent Hills would have.
Kojima has made it clear his intention is not to tell us everything we will do in the game, so there are still so many unresolved questions, the game will be action and open world and it has also been confirmed that it will have some functions online but here we will analyze a little everything we know trailer by trailer.

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The trailer begins with a quote from the poem "Auguries of Innocence" by the English artist William Blake . Perhaps this quote is even more enigmatic than the trailer itself, but if we read the full 132-line poem it tells us a bit about nature and man. The word "Stranding" is used to describe strandings of whales or fish when there are oil spills or other phenomena that can cause them, although "Strand" can also be interpreted as strands or ropes, and we see many of these in the trailer that undoubtedly let us see that they have a connection with something. We see stranded crabs that are interconnected by cables, then we see some handprints that are marked as if there were some invisible entity as it approaches the character of Norman Reedus who is on the bare ground and the wife they hold in their hand lights up and wakes up. You can't see well but it seems that Reedus is connected to the baby next to him, Reedus gets up and takes the baby and hugs him in a very emotional way while the tracks are getting closer to him, there we see that the baby disappears and our protagonist has his hands stained with some kind of viscous liquid and then we see how the tracks of the baby pass through Reedus' leg.

In the following scene Reedus stands up and we can see a clear reference to the scene in which Terminator travels through time and looks around him. Reedus has a necklace with 6 pieces that look like military identification, if you zoom in you can see that the pieces have written equations related to black holes and especially to time travel, which makes us think that this delivery of Kojima will have something to do with that. At the end of the trailer, when Reedus looks to the horizon and sees many stranded marine animals that are connected with cables, we can also see 5 figures floating in the air, and finally the background song also indicates something about the arrival of an anonymous hero, perhaps in reference to Reedus himself. The intention of these trailers is that we look for the most logical meaning so that we can get closer to the final game, so we must take everything with tweezers and theorize carefully.

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Sony has clarified that it will not give limitations to Kojima because they believe that this is the most important thing to have a great game, to give freedom to Kojima's mind. Many people called this trailer "Smoke" and I don't blame them and it is 2018 and the game was presented to us in 2016 and I doubt it will come out in 2019. I personally don't care how long it takes to play a great game and not one that is incomplete, Kojima has also said that the first trailer is representative of the final version and that everything that was seen there will appear in the game, he doesn't want to reveal many details because he thinks it would be like revealing who the murderer is in a novel. Kojima is confident that this will be his best work, it is no secret to anyone that he wants to make his games like a movie and he has already made it clear with those trailers and especially with his brand Kojima Productions.

Something that Kojima likes to do is tweet, and several of his tweets are always clues to what we might see in the game in August 2016 rumored to be Mads Mikelsen appearing in the game as an important character because Kojima uploaded a tweet of some movement shots that were being made to a man in an orange sweatshirt and a fan soon to get a picture of Mads Mikelsen in that same sweatshirt these rumors were confirmed when trailer 2 came out, Mikelsen is remembered for making great villains and in the game he looks like he will be one, but with kojima you never know, maybe they will give us an unexpected twist. Kojima has clarified the importance of having real actors in Death Stranding, as he believes that this gives the game much more realism, so far as actors who will have great weight in the plot are Norman Reedus, Mads Mikelsen, Lea Seydoux and Lindsay Wagner.

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This trailer starts as the first one, the camera focusing on the ground and as you go along you see crabs with wires stranded in the ground and then you see a plastic baby, then the character of Guillermo del Toro, film director and friend of Kojima, who would also participate in the failed Silent Hills game, appears walking. Guillermo is carrying a jar with a baby in his arms, he looks at the sky and sees some planes passing by that seem to have wires too and we also see a rainbow in the background, which may indicate that it has just finished raining and that's why the ground is wet, but this rainbow is upside down. Del toro continues to walk and we see that he is carrying handcuffs like the Reedus one in the previous trailer. Then we see a tank passing over the top with soldiers following it and carrying human bones and some strange creatures, then we see how the bull connects with the bottle of the baby and it wakes up instantly.
The baby toy collides with the bull and we can see that it has a cable tied in its foot and it seems that it is being pulled by someone, this could mean that this baby is a kind of trap and that's why the character of Guillermo begins to breathe with anguish and is bravely armed to then enter the tunnel. The toy baby continues to float on the water as it blinks with a red light as if it were transmitting a signal, then at the end of the tunnel there are four skeletal-looking soldiers who are attached to whoever appears to be its commander, and when the mask is removed we see that it is the character of Mads Mikelsen who had already been rumored, Mikelsen gives a signal to his soldiers and they move forward, we can suggest that they are looking for Del Toro. Then we see that the baby toy collides with Mikelsen's leg and we see that it was the one he was connected to and he smiles as if he had found what he was looking for.

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The phrases at the beginning of this trailer tell us that there was a first explosion, that was the Big Bang, then there were the crashes of protoplanetary disks, then there was the Cambrian explosion that diversified the life forms as we know them, apparently there was a fourth explosion that apparently caused all these events, we can see a group of three subjects among which is Reedus and are equipped with a special kind of suit, it seems that Reedus was collecting a body, it could be that they have captured one of the creatures to take samples. All but Reedus have the Bridges logo on their suits, the same one we had seen on the bull's pin, we can see that one of the subjects was trapped under the vehicle, apparently there was an accident. It seems that the handcuffs function as a health indicator because the injured man's handcuff glows yellow and then turns red, just like the other guy's handcuff before stabbing his wife lights blue and then turns yellow and ends in red. Here we could hear the name of our protagonist, when the subject calls the character of Reedus "Sam", Sam tells him to be quiet and not to breathe, so he lets us know that these entities perceive the breathing of their victims, we also see that the device on the shoulder of the subject begins to move and lights up the invisible entity, the body that is with Reeds disappears and then handprints come out from underneath, It seems that he is approaching Sam who is wounded in the right leg and leaves a trail of blood, in this case Sam covers his mouth and nose while the entity goes to the wounded subject, in this part we could have the first clue about the aging rain also called "Timefall", because the subject at first seemed to be contemporary with the other subject but the more rain falls on him, the more he gets old and his hair turns white, the entity drags him away while his friend shoots him to stop suffering.


The tracker stops on the vehicle and a strange subject lands on it, making a sign very similar to the one Mikelsen made in the past trailer, but here it seems that he is helping them or warning them of something, he also has a detector but it lights up differently and has only 3 fins, at that moment Sam's partner's detector changes shape as if he were detecting something different and gets in the shape of a cross, the baby wakes up and starts to come out more of that strange liquid from the ground and the vehicle begins to sink, you can also see strange entities in the surroundings and then a creature comes out of the ground and holds Sam's partner, he releases the baby desperately and then tries to shoot himself in the skull but does not succeed because he was lifted by something or someone invisible, the subject takes out a knife and begins to stab himself.


Sam picks up the baby and his detector is activated and we can see that all the objects are being lifted to a giant being that has long strands like fingers and also we see that it has a giant umbilical cord, at the moment that the being swallows the subject there is an explosion. The camera goes to the bottom of the water and we see sea fauna that were stranded in previous trailers, we also see the vehicle they were stranded in and the long ropes that are connected to Sam, we see the baby inside Sam and then Sam appears on the surface and the baby is not in the capsule, the camera focuses on Sam and we see how a tear falls on him apparently unintentionally, then we see the 5 beings floating in the bottom again but we also see a large crater that remained after the explosion.

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After so much time we can watch gameplay, this trailer has answered many questions, but it has also left us some more. Apparently the name of our character is Sam Porter Bridges, porter can mean "the one who transports" and is what we see in all the gameplay parts of the trailer, a transporter belonging to the Bridges company. Talking about the gameplay we can see that the environment we will have to travel through is immense, where we will have to pass mountains and other different types of terrain. The game seems to have elements of survival and we must be clear about what we will wear, because it has drinks, ropes and even ladders that it uses as a bridge, we also notice that it has extra boots, which the boots it wears will wear out. It seems that Sam will hurt himself a lot in the course of his travels as we saw him when he pulled his nail out, although it is still not clear if Sam can regenerate we can see a moment when we see him in the shower resting. We see a desolate and devastated environment but still we see traces of life out there as the moment Sam pulls out his weapon which, in addition to appearing to be multipurpose, may be used to fire flares.


It seems that Sam can feel the beings without needing to be connected to the baby and we can see that Sam is not immune to Timefall because when a drop falls into his hand we can see how that area of his skin becomes old, which makes Sam special is clear when in his radio communication is told that if he is caught or eaten by that beings will create a vacuum and even if he can return, will be cratered around it and then sam comes up with an idea that consists of connecting to the baby as it acts as a more effective receiver although he already knew that there were too many of them the baby allows him to see them when the receiver expands. It is also almost certain that we will control the action of covering the mouth that would help us not to be perceived by the beings, when the hand is removed from the mouth the beings catch it and begins to be absorbed.

It seems that the woman dressed in black is the one who teaches Sam to cover his vat so that they won't catch him. Besides these beings seem to be called chiralities, in chemistry a chirality occurs when two equal elements behave in different ways even though they have the same components, perhaps these beings are projections in this dimension of humans who are on the other plane. The woman dressed in black is played Lea Seydoux, a French actress, it seems that she can see the beings and seems to be another wearer but perhaps with a higher range than sam, she instead of wearing a hood, uses an umbrella that may be more effective against the timefall, her suit says Fragile expresss and we can see that when the beings are close we can see spikes coming out of his suit that are picked up when he is safe. It seems that we can also customize Sam as we see him in different costumes and his hair up at times. The woman indicates that eating a Cryptobion a day avoids the effects of the rain timefall, the cryptobiontes are organisms that can resist any extreme situation in almost any environment, it seems that by consuming it its properties will be transferred to the person who consumes it.

At the end of the trailer, Lindsay Wagner appears, or well her young version because she is now 68 years old, is famous for playing the bionic woman in the 70s, a series of which Kojima was a fanatic. In the picture that Sam holds Sam appear the and two women, one of them is pregnant and possibly the wife of Sam, we can not see his face because he fell a drop of timefall, the other woman seems to be lindsay wagner somewhat older and some believe that it could be Sam's mother, because for some reason Sam should recognize her as we are told at the end of the trailer. This woman is located on the same beach that we saw in the first trailer and that may be the representation of another shot.

By the time the giant being exploded in trailer 3 Sam seems to have died and reached a kind of intermediate shot Kojima has made it clear that that shot was totally playable and maybe when we're there we can pick up objects and then revive thanks to Sam's skill.


Thanks to all those who took the time to read the post I know it is very long, but this game lends itself well to analyzing the date of departure is not yet known but Kojima has released trailer at the Game Awards in 2016 and 2017 so I see very possible to make a new advance this year, the game will be completely exclusive to PS4. That's all for today. See you in another post.

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Nice post, I expect fellow steemians to look at it and say wow!, how come someone took all that time to analyze a game that isn't out?. Are you a Kojima fan by chance?, I've played all metal gears and I just know this game is going to be awesome, the history looks so dark... so mature, so INTERESTING!!!!, I can't wait for this game, cyberpunk or Sekiro... those 3 are going to be huge.

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.