Strategy Game Caster of the Week

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello fellow strategy game enthusiasts,

This weeks strategy game caster of the week is a hilarious man with a keen wit and sense of humor. His videos explore the most irrational possibilities of arguably the greatest strategy series of all time, Total War. I stumbled onto his videos one night after having several drinks. I could not stop watching. His stone-faced commentary as he embarks on great feats of incredulity and game-breaking strategies is incredibly entertaining. The stark contrast between the trollish tactics and the serious casting ensure that his videos will keep you coming back for more.

The strategy game caster of the week is:


2kliksphilip is a variety caster who provides a wide array of entertaining content. Here is a link to my personal favorite video of his.


Thanks, and as always feedback and suggestions for strategy casters to cover is always recommended.