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RE: Rift Life - Issue #8 - Clutch is a top tier team...seriously though.

in #gaming7 years ago

LOL C9 lost to 2nd to last place. If your going to criticize EF for losing to Golden Guardians you can't keep C9 as a strong team.

What's my shop.

I have a feeling were going to get stomped at MSI as no team seems strong.

Back to #1 is why I love best of 1's and that's because anything can happen.


True. C9 just seems way more consistent in their games.

It's just like a personalized shop on LoL where it discounts skins for champs you play more often than others. Or it seems like it.

I think as long as we don't send TSM, we might have a shot. They always have the international nerf.