(This game has a great soundtrack and I found this music fitting for the post)
Many villagers were saved after my sacrifice at the southern borders on Teutonic lands leaving me relieved, but the feeling was only temporary. Not soon after the skirmish fought out to buy the villager's time to escape, the Huns were seen approaching Teutonic walls, and then sieging them. The wall was swiftly breached as Hunnic cavalry began charging through, but were valiantly beaten back and the breach plugged with a handful of brave Teutonic knights.

But there were only so many knights and a seemingly endless supply of enemy Huns, crashing down into the breach wave after wave as they tried to get through. If the Teutons fell, I'd surely be next, so I acted quickly, sending a platoon of well-trained Spanish champions to help reinforce the Teutons in their attempts to repel the Hunnic attackers.

With my armies growing faster then I could feed, the demand for food skyrocketed. Back at my capital, forests were cleared and buildings demolished to expand out my farm lands and increase my supply of food. Everyone was put to work and not a single villager was left alone or idle.

Somewhere down south from the ashes of my destroyed Gothic allies, an army of Gothic spearmen rose to arms as they prepared for an offensive against the Huns that turned their city to rubble.

I watched in awe, as even a crippled nation stood strong against an enemy that outnumbered them ten to one. I was inspired, and so a Spanish call to arms was sent out as I amassed an army by the likes that the map had never seen before. The second generation of Inquisitors trotted forth, larger then before, better armed, and ready to avenge their fallen, accompanied by a team of powerful mortars and order of heavily-armored knights.

Enough was enough. Too many good souls had fallen to the Hunnic scourge, and so the time had come to take the fight to them. With orders to attack, my vast armies mobilized and sallied forth east towards unexplored Hunnic territories.

Contact was made as I had discovered the outskirts of the wall-lacking Hunnic capital. This was going to be easy, or so I thought, as I gave out the orders for my army to charge forward and into the city! They were met at a chokepoint by Hunnic horses, spearmen, skirmishers, and naval support from the river.

My army hadn't even pushed through the outskirts before being flanked, surrounded, and destroyed from all angles. Not myself nor any of my allies could believe what had just happened.

My allies mustered whatever they could and sent them east in an attempt to help reinforce my offensive. Everything we had was in this last push.

But it wasn't enough.

With our armies destroyed, our resources stretched thin, and the Huns still unstoppable, their hordes would soon sweep through the map destroying myself and all my allies, leaving nothing but fire in their wake. The game was lost.

I'd like to firstly go ahead and thank everyone for taking the time to both read and support this two part series, I greatly appreciate it. I had lots of fun playing the game and even more fun writing about it, and I hope you all had fun reading it too. I tried some new formatting on this post and if it's not too much to ask opinions on it below would also help greatly. Thanks once again and as always I hope y'all have a wonderful day .

https://steemit.com/gaming/@ggteixeira/arma-3-king-of-the-hill-the-lone-wolf <-- Feel free to check out my previous post!
ever played crusader kings? i bought crusader kings 2 super cheap on steam a few years ago but was so complex i could never really get in to it. But it seems like a game that would make way for some really great story telling.
Great post though! kinda figured you were heading for defeat, but its never over till its over though right? a fine effort though, id never put the difficulty up so high lol
To be honest i waited for the second part on this as a big fan of AOE 2 and also of your first post. I can tell you that this article was well put together like the first one and it was really easy to read.
It's a shame that the huns won but yeah, i know that this game can be pretty unforgiving at times, especially when you try to bite more than you can chew. I also lost many times in Stronghold Crusader when i tried to play games like this with my friend. We will hold on good for some time but in the end it's simply too much, on higher difficulties. Neverthless, this was a fun ideea and 2 great posts and i upvoted and resteemed both of them. Waiting for more like these in the future !
pretty much what i was going to say. its pretty brutal at the higher difficulties!
Good old strategy games.
I remember myself playing this game.
One more of my all time favorites in Heroes of might and magic III