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RE: The last idiot who hasn't played Witcher 3

in #gaming7 years ago

Theres a guy at work that loves this game. Played the first Witcher and it was fun, but I didn't find it way better than other games at the time. Course a lot has changed since then but if I didn't care that much about it before why would I now? again after some time with it your thoughts on it.


3 hours in and I can say it got me by the balls. Besides the really beautiful graphics, i find the dialogue one of the best things about this game. It's not that dull dialogue, oh no... Geralt of Rivia is a sarcastic fellow.

My friend got home from work, saw me playing, he started to talk like 20 minutes about what will happen and what I will encounter, and why I should search the very beginning of the story... A part of me understood him, cause I am the same when a friend plays a game I enjoyed, but a part of me just wanted to yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME PLAY!". And as I understood from my Witcher maniac friend, the first and the second have nothing in common regarding the gameplay and the attention to detail

But it's a damn good game... I am curious if I will be able to finish it or I will just complete side quests till i get bored and never finish the main story (as I did with Falout 3, New Vegas, 4, Oblivion, Skyrim, and many more RPGs).

Lol that last bit is just like me. Sometimes I forgot there's even a main story...

I'll have to check out Witcher 3 though, my brother might have so maybe I can borrow it not have to go out and buy it.

It sounds like one of those games that's going to take a lot of time. Not necessarily a bad thing but not sure if I'll ever get around to completing it

Somehow, it pushes you to do quests and discover the map... You have alchemy, but you can't sell your potions (this is the way I got rich in skyrim lmao), so the only way to make money is by getting contracts... I actually ended up hording lots of plants and sell them lol, cause I prefer to help people and not ask them for gold.

Also, the full game with all DLCs is 24 euros on steam... It's totally worth it!