Game cube is one of my Favorite consoles, and this is my TOP 10 games for the game cube !
#10 Super Mario Sunshine
The first time I play this game I broke my arm playing football and I have to stay at home, but this game makes me forget about my broken arm and play all the game with arm broken.
#09 Star Fox Adventures
This is a Zelda clone guys love it
#08 Zelda Twilight Princess and Wind Waker
Sorry I couldnt decide between this great games.
#07 Resident Evil 4
I actually prefer the wii version and the HD version but hey Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game of all time
#06 Luigis Mansion
This was my first game for the GameCube and I love it!!
#05 Super Smash Bros: Melee
For me the best Smash of all time.
#04 Viewtiful Joe
Guys I love this game just check the name Viewtiful Joe :D
#03 Def Jam FIGHTS for NY
Ok this is a personal Favorite for me, If the bad guy is Snoop Dog you know its a good game
#02 Metroid Prime
One of my favorite Franchise converts its traditional gaming into a masterpiece.
#01 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Finally my personal Favorite Game of the console is Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Sorry I just love RPGS!
Twilight Princess is probably the best game of Gamecube.

However, Ocarina of Time is my all time fav
It must be Luigis mansion! your name is Luiggih :P
I have a soft spot in my heart for the GC remake of Resident Evil 1.
Close second is FZero GX. I miss my Gamecube. Some good times with that console.
You can now play Resident Evil 1 in HD on the ps4, it looks amazing :P