Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

in #gaming7 years ago

This was one of my favorite games to play on the NES and still is a game I play occasionally. It had great music which was a lot of the nostalgia in and of itself. A lot of people remember this game having a lot of dead-end traps where you cannot get past certain levels.

If you don't know where to go to get certain items that can help you then you indeed will be in trouble. However there are a lot of situations that you can manipulate to your advantage so that once you get to the end where it REALLY gets challenging you have enough weapons and power to survive to the very end.

A lot of people don't know but surprisingly this was the best-selling 3rd-party game on the NES despite the shade that is thrown at it (which I think is mostly due to saltiness from not being able to beat it.) Well, here is my go-round at it. Enjoy the ride and as always, thank you for taking time to visit my blog, and have a great day!


as salamu'alaikum.
kawan2 honor kemenag tingkat aliyah yg pernah ada SK WALIKOTA, insya Allah bsk kt kumpul ya sktr jam 10 pagi d pasentren Ihyaaussunnah dekat pajak impres.
guna kt samakan persepsi dan cari solusi lanjutan tentang honor kita, krn sampai saat ni blm ada solusi yg pasti.
mudah2an pd bs hadir dan tlg d kabari kwn2 yg laen.